A guy I know on IG put me on to this brand. This is the Trivisa Pisces 02 Zulu spear with a 3 inch M390 blade and natural camel bone covers. Had never heard of Trivisa and it seems they only sell through Amazon … but have reportedly been making knives since 2006. Overall functional quality seems pretty good. Packaging is excellent and the included leather belt sheath is outstanding. The only problem I had with this one is that it arrives with horrible looking camel bone. It looked as if it was never polished out. So, after about 45 minutes with my Dremel and some polishing compound … followed up with a few coats of RenWax, it now looks pretty good.

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Comment by Dennis Hibar on December 9, 2021 at 2:52

Yeah, it's funny how a little thing can ruin your initial impression of a knife.  That said, it wasn't all that difficult to polish the bone up nicely.  Spent a little time yesterday putting my own edge on it.  While it was quite sharp from the factory ... it's really sharp now!!!  

As for pictures .... I still say I am a hack ... but I keep plugging away!!

Comment by Lars Ray on December 8, 2021 at 18:59

Good looking folder there Dennis - I'm surprised about the horrible looking camel bone upon arrival. I love camel bone as a rule -  I own quite a few pieces with that material, and I have yet to be disappointed with it. Yours certainly looks great after the extra effort you put into it!

I noticed too that their Amazon web page is pretty decent, and their photos are almost as nice as yours...almost

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