Top: 1977 Western W49 Bowie

Bottom: c.1950's Western Bowie

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Comment by Ron Cooper on October 27, 2013 at 17:24

Thanks, Indian! I appreciate your comment. And, yes. I can't think of a better knife to keep me in firewood than one of these BIG choppers! Big n' beefy and they'll stand up to some hard use and even abuse. 

Thanks for posting your recent hunting adventures. I've been living vicariously through you and Dave!

Cheers, my friend. Give your beautiful bride, Angela, a big hug for me, will ya!

Comment by Indian on October 27, 2013 at 10:19

Wow....now those are beauties!!!!...I still have the one my Brother gave me for a Christmas Present....back when I was 12 years old...that is quite a few years ago...lol..when I first moved to BC...some 18 years ago...this bowie kept me in fire wood for the night...and trust me it was a long night...waiting for daylight to walk out of the valley...just another one of those adventures...I have had....lol...congrats Ron...great score!!!

Comment by Ron Cooper on October 25, 2013 at 1:48


I like the '77 the most, myself. Originally it had the same S-shaped guard but the previous owner cut it down. I am still thinking about doing some more work on it and making it more elliptical by rounding off the ends. The '77 also has a more more substantial feeling handle. Being a big guy--6'4" 220 lbs.--the larger handle actually works in my favor. Plus, it just feels more substantial all the way around. If I needed a big chopper in a hurry the '77 is the one that I would grab.

Thanks for your comment!

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 25, 2013 at 1:01

I LIKE the 77.

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