Anthony G.
  • Male
  • Goshen, NY
  • United States
  • Come home with this shield or upon…
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Anthony G.'s Friends

  • Chris Stookey
  • Alden Rowe
  • Justin Mateer
  • Jeff Chochinov
  • Nick Hansen
  • Anthony (ChanceToFade)
  • William Cutting
  • Andy Voelkle     "AxeMan"

Anthony G.'s Page

Profile Information

Come home with this shield or upon it.
How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
3- 5 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Spyderco and ESEE Cutlery
About Me
I'm currently a graduate student. My focus is American foreign policy.
Other Hobbies

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 21:17 on March 12, 2010,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Thanks for the kind words, Anthony. I'll check out the Spyderco link too.
At 13:48 on February 3, 2010,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Thanks for the heads up on the RAT name change.
At 21:55 on August 13, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Glad you are OK. My daughter is studying journalism. Hope they are teaching here technology and not the old school stuff. She went this summer too, which I guess was ok, cause we were paying rent on her apt. anyway.

The switchblade act thing appears to be OK. Sounds like a formality now. I update it on www.cutlerynewsjournal.com as I get updates, fyi.
At 21:31 on August 13, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Anthony
Hope all is well. Getting ready to start the fall classes? My daughter is going in as a Jr. at Un of Alabama. She starts next week.
Thanks for dropping in when you can.
At 19:15 on June 7, 2009, Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" said…
That's next on my list. probably get one next month. Grear one! I like all your reasoning.
At 19:14 on May 12, 2009,
Nick Arsenault
i recommend the ka-bar 1211 (the all black one in the club pic.) with the plastic sheath... i got it at http://www.tomarskabars.com/index.html

this knife will not let u down... it has the capabilities to cut down small trees... really useful
At 11:22 on May 12, 2009, Justin Mateer said…
Funny you should ask, I just used my strider the other day to break the lock on a bathroom door that a lady was behind after she overdosed. I also just got my ZT in a few hours ago and I love it. It;s like a beefed up Emerson. If only they would put a wave on it :D
At 9:27 on May 11, 2009, Alden Rowe said…
Well it got re-profiled after I did some chopping on cement, though the cement did not really do much damage in the first place.
At 1:42 on May 11, 2009, Justin Mateer said…
That's a hard question to answer. I love carrying all my knives, but if I had to choose just one to carry it would be my Strider SNG. My current EDC is a Spyderco/Anso Rock Lobster, which I love. I also have a Zero tolerance 350 arriving tomorrow. Just another knife that will delay me from leaving for work because I don't know which one to carry lol.
At 22:44 on May 10, 2009, Alden Rowe said…
I chop everything with it. Mainly wood but have done cement before.

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