"Nice! I saw the thumbnail of this photo & the first knife that came to mind was the Du Star (showing about the era that I started really getting into knives, about 15+ years ago) -- then caught myself & thought, "Hey, that might…"
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
61 to 65 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Good sheath knife and as a folder assisted opening with pocket clip SOG flash II buck 290 puma Bali song currently i have over 200 in my collection . My favorite sheath knife Puma White hunter.( my Dad got his first Randall Knife 1966. I inherited The puma white hunter.
Have used it in the woods ever since.
About Me
Retired still have my cub scout knife from 1964. Target shooting, fishing still do my own yard work.