Mike Botts
  • Male
  • Lincoln, NE
  • United States
  • User/Collector
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Mike Botts's Friends

  • Allan Moyse
  • Larry Lucas
  • Jack Haskins, Jr.
  • Ken Spielvogel
  • Charles Reed
  • Sue OldsWidow
  • Bob Robinson
  • Jan Carter
  • D ale
  • peter force
  • Andy Voelkle     "AxeMan"
  • J.J. Smith III

Mike Botts's Page

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
16- 20 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
My favorite kind of knives are pocket knives. Old ones. I don't collect one brand, or one pattern. I collect any knives that look interesting or attractive to me. I have a few Case knives, but I don't call myself a Case collector. I actually find Case knives rather boring. There is a sameness to them. They're among the best made pocket knives ever, (the older ones anyway), but if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all, and they cost too much. I also will not buy any knife that looks like a weapon to me. It has to look like a tool. I get my knives from ebay, antique shops, and as gifts. Some favorite brands are: Cattaraugus, Remington, New York Knife, Keen Kutter, Walden Knife Co., Dwight Divine Ulster, just to name a few.
About Me
I was born and raised in Lincoln, NE. I attended the University of Nebraska. After that I started out as a carpenter's helper, and stayed in construction for 30 yrs., becoming a business owner building homes, and remodeling. I've also worked as a photographer, builder of cabinets and fine custom furniture, and am now retired from construction. I was married in 1982. Had one son, and now we have a daughter-in-law, and two little granddaughters to spoil.
I'm a "buff" of history and architecture, (mostly late 19th century American domestic architecture). I also collect antique furniture, old metal flashlights, and other old and odd items of our past.
Other Hobbies
I'm converting our large garage into a wood shop, so I can build more nice furniture for our "kids". I've played the five string banjo for over 40 yrs. I even built a banjo several years ago. I did pretty well in some pickin' contests in my teens, and played in a local bluegrass band in the early 80's.

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At 12:39 on March 24, 2015, Jack Haskins, Jr. said…

Actually I don't know much at all about working on traditional folders. But I've been thinking about getting into it for a couple of years. I have done some work on other type folders with screws holding the knife together. Spyderco knives mostly. I have been looking for stiddy's also but right now I'm not going to get one. I've lost interest for the moment. I sometimes bouncing back and forth when it comes to starting a new hobby but then start later on. There are several guys on this forum who can help you either directly or directing you to videos and other resources.  Good luck.


At 11:39 on March 2, 2015, Jan Carter said…

Mike, he is here by his won name but his site is http://www.muskratmanknives.com/

I have some feelers out right now for stiddy sales but I have not seen one for sale in over a year

At 10:40 on March 2, 2015, Jan Carter said…


My go to for this is always Muskrat man.  We have used him several times and been completely satisfied every time.  I am glad your enjoying it here, it is still my favorite place to be

At 20:39 on July 6, 2013, J.J. Smith III said…
Thanks for the add, Mike.
At 9:47 on July 1, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Mike
Just dropping by to say, "Thanks for taking part of iKC." I appreciate it.
At 13:40 on April 23, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Mike
I'll add a Discussion Topic for this...may be something like "Knife Questions" or something general like that. Please come post your questions. I'll do it now. Thanks for letting me know.
At 13:58 on April 17, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Mike
Thanks for joining us! Look forward to your help in making this the best knife community on the web. Congrats on being a Charter Member.

White River Knives

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