First grab a knife with a lanyard hole and a talon hole, and a boat-load of paracord. The talon hole is a registered trademark of Busse, but I've seen a few knives that have the front guard hole (Kiku Matsuda, i.e.) and the guard will only work if there is a front guard hole.
Also about the paracord, I didn't measure mine but I used a lot of extra. You might want to measure out 9' or so. (if you prefer a thinner guard you can take out the strands… Continue
Note, this is a very, very short test. I only did the very simple tasks.
The test I did was just between the RMD and Grunt. It was wet and I was really satisfied when I finished the test. Both knives were stropped and were very sharp.
At the time, it was fairly dark.
Just before the test I was able to catch the flock of geese in the picture above. They flew right over me.…
Alright so this is how the review will work: my friend and I both have experience with the Ontario RTAK-II, and we've decided to write this review together. He’ll write about the knife itself, and I’ll write the knife in use. The pictures are from me.