What a nice bunch of GOB's you'll are! Many Welcomes! Feel right to home.
much so, that I have to ask a question. Years ago someone told me that
when you sharpen a good knife, you are not only grinding away the bits
you don't want, but you are also 'smearing' just a few molecules up to
the very edge where they kind'a re-attach and make for extra sharp edge.
He (and while I ain't sure who it was -it sure sounds like a GOB story)
also said stainless steel… Continue
Howdy ! Enjoyed you all's previous blogs. May I offer a couple of thought on displaying knives? I write for collectors of every stripe and have a couple of articles specific to displaying knives. Check out... Displaying Knives -on the wall Displaying Knives -on the flat And I welcome any questions you might have on displaying… Continue