Battle of the bladeshapes round #2!!!

And thus we come to Round # 2

You can vote here: http://poll.pollcode.com/85437337

Contestant #1

The modified Sheepsfoot, made famous by the Böker Rhino and the Benchmade Bone collector among others:

Or the spearpoint with a heavy swedge as seen in this excellent example on a slipjoint. I wish I had more/better pictures. But this small one that Jan provided will have to do. If anyone has more/better examples please share :-)

Once again, you can vote HERE: http://poll.pollcode.com/85437337

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Comment by Alexander Noot on March 21, 2014 at 1:22

Well, looks like the Spearpoint won! On to Battle #3

Comment by Alexander Noot on March 19, 2014 at 1:37

It's not 50/50 anymore. The modified sheepsfoot is WAY behind. We've still got a few days though so things might still happen. But things aren't looking great for the Sheepsfoot.

Comment by J.J. Smith III on March 18, 2014 at 9:42
Well, my vote made it 50-50.
Went with the modified sheepsfoot design for this round.
Comment by Alexander Noot on March 18, 2014 at 6:29

Awesome Ron. Those are some nice sweeping swedges. It's ok if one of these isn't your favourite. We've got one more round before the finals!! A massive threeway battle which will include the victor from the last round (the Clippoint) and the victors from this and the next round.

I'm having fun with this :-) Looking forward to the finished product already. After the bladeshape we're gonna decide on Steel. Should be interesting.

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 18, 2014 at 4:44


I have shamelessly snatched a few pics of Spearpoint knives with large swedges from Google images. Take your pic and let me know if one of these might work as an example for your new poll...

I should also add that, despite my lack of enthusiasm for either one of these shapes in your poll, I voted for the Spearpoint with a large swedge over the Modified Sheepsfoot.

May the best shape win!

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