California to Atlanta and back again (I hope)

While on my way back east to help my ailing sister I happened upon this place along Interstate 40 in Arizona. I managed to not spend any money, but believe me it was hard. Knowledgeable staff with a wonderful inventory of US-made knives, many hard to find special editions from every US manufacturer, (and more). Unfortunately their prices were a tad high for my budget, but my wish list at least doubled that's for sure. Nothing matches seeing a knife in person, they never look the same online, no matter how fine of a photo. Got to hold a Case Seahorse Whittler for the first time, a knife I have coveted for some time, and it was all that I expected, (but more than I could afford; I continue to covet).. However, I need to get to Georgia and back again, so indulging my knife addiction wasn't something I could do just now. Oh well, at least I know where to go when I can indulge myself.

After I get my sister secured and stable I intend to go up to TN and visit SMKW also during this trip; I'll take some photos there too and will post them here.

Jan, I'll give you a call after I get to ATL and settle in. What I do and when I do it depends on her, but hopefully I'll see you soon.

The two photos below show Case Special Editions from past years, on...

Dunno about you, but I was impressed.Clean, well displayed sharp things, if you look closely you can see...

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Comment by Syd Carr on April 30, 2016 at 12:56

Ran across a small estate sale today in Smyrna, GA, and sitting on one of the tables for $2 was this Robeson 521179 Barlow. It's farm fresh and needing a bit of TLC, but otherwise in very good condition with full blades, mostly looks like it has a bit of paint over spray on it, which will be easy to remove. Snaps like a dragon, tight in the bolsters, positive half stop both blades. For a couple of bucks all I can say is SCORE!!! Can't wait to get it home and clean it up.

All in all Georgia has been good as far as pocket knives goes, (five good finds so far), and this one will leave a sweet taste in my mouth as I leave first of the week for my journey west.

Comment by Syd Carr on April 17, 2016 at 14:42

Took a day and attended a gun show in Marietta today, and of course they had knives too. I also went back and purchased another US-made, (by Utica according to Tobias), Kutmaster 5" Folding Hunter on clearance at the army/navy store where I got the other one. This one has ash handles, and for $15 I couldn't resist, (the one on top in the photo). These were both display models, so have a few dings on the bolsters, but they are great knives at a bargain price so snagging them was a no brainer. A little time on a buffing wheel and they will be in pristine condition again.

The gun show produced two vintage Buck 301's, both first-version Camillus made only from mid 1971 to early 1972. After the beginning of 1972 all of the CC-made 300 Series were made without handle pins, the pins were only used for a six month period during the transition when production was moved from Schrade to Camillus. 1966-71 Schrade versions also had handle pins, but they used larger pins and the blade profile was slightly different. Such a short production run on this "first-version" makes them relatively rare. Got them both for $40, which is not a steal but not a bad deal either. As a collector of the 300 Series I couldn't pass them up, it's kind of a "buy 'em when you find 'em" kind of deal, (though with a cross country trip ahead of me I shouldn't have splurged, but like I said I couldn't resist).

I'll be planning my trip home soon, if I can stop buying knives I might actually make it.

Comment by Syd Carr on April 13, 2016 at 19:55

As soon as I can I will Jan, though Sis is secure I still have her apartment and furnishings to deal with before I leave, so the adventure continues. Hopefully I'll be rolling up your driveway soon.

Comment by Jan Carter on April 13, 2016 at 8:23

Come visit and do some anvil therapy also!

Comment by Syd Carr on April 13, 2016 at 0:11

My sister was placed in a residential care home today, so now a new adventure begins. Whether she will be able to go back home again is unknown, but for the moment she is secure, and that was the purpose of my cross-country trip in the first place.

So, what does a knife nut do when he's depressed and wants to get his mind off of things? He practices some retail therapy and finds himself a bargain on a new knife that's what! Found this KutMaster Folding Hunter today marked down at an army surplus store, got it for $15 out the door. Says "Made In The USA" on the box and the knife, so I guess it was. Just who made it I'm not sure, but though it was a little dinged on one bolster and needs polishing, I figure any US-made knife for $15 has to be a good deal. Big knife, 5 1/2" closed, but a tad slimmer than a Buck 110. Operates perfectly, blade is sharp. Does it get much better than that? I'm not sure whether the blade is SS or carbon, but I assume I'll find out one way or the other soon. It didn't come with a sheath, but considering the price that's not a big deal, (I have extra sheaths at home anyway). I'm wondering if "FS" stands for "Ferrous Steel"? If so I better get some Frog Lube on this puppy quick!!

So, eventful day. Got my sister situated, got a new knife; I'll take both!

Comment by J.J. Smith III on April 5, 2016 at 22:56
We'll be keeping you both in our prayers, Syd.
Comment by Syd Carr on April 5, 2016 at 20:22

Hi Jan, thanks for the prayers. The situation was more grim than I realized when I arrived, and the outcome is still in question. She needs healing, I need strength and patience.

Glad you agree about the Trestle Pines knives, I find tmine simply marvelous. The fact that you can see the evidence of hand crafting makes each one a unique piece.

Comment by Jan Carter on April 5, 2016 at 19:13

Prayers continue for healing with your sister Syd.  I LOVE mine!!!!  Now that I see yours I need to get some pics of mine up

Comment by Syd Carr on April 5, 2016 at 17:10

Sis is in the hospital, (again), so while she is safe & secure I took advantage of the time and took a few more photos of the Trestle Pines Portage Barlow I won in a TSA Knives contest. Just love this knife, so well made. Recycled ancient Ash handles, 154CM drop point steel, smooth opening, perfect alignment & finishing all around; does it get any better?

Comment by Syd Carr on March 23, 2016 at 22:28

I love mine Jan, and of course you will get to see it eventually. It hasn't left my pocket since I got it, and I lay it on a handkerchief every night to make sure it doesn't get scratched. I love that the hand craftsmanship can be seen, I know a lot of the finish work was "by eye" which I can see, very much respect and appreciate in the construction of the knife.

As to sis, it's been a rough couple of days for both of us. She is gravely ill physically, in fact she was really too ill to come home. Her insurance ran out, and other than running up enormous medical bills she had no choice, so I am serving as her 24/7 in-home health care worker. She IS making slow progress though, and we have various therapists and home health nurses visiting a few times per week. I'll pretty much be stuck until she gets to a point of semi self reliance, (sooner than later I hope). She managed to walk a few steps with just a hand on her arm today, so I count today as a good day. Best thing of all is she likes my cooking.

I will be in touch Jan, just sorta getting acclimated to the situation right now.

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