Now that is way too controversial to talk about here!

You know we all are passionate about topics we feel strong about- for some folks it's football (War Eagle!), for others it's religion (..let's not go there), for others it is politics (...don't go there either), but there are many others.

Really though there are hot topics with just about every subject matter and when you mix a room full of individuals together (virtually or real world) there is always the potential for heated discussions... cause we just see things differently.

We have been very fortunate here at iKnifeCollector. I have watched, for going on two years now, our members abide by our community "understandings." We all get along very well considering all the different opinions and preferences represented. And do you know what? These differences make our community unique...and interesting. 

Like you, I enjoy meeting knife folks from all over the world- folks who like different type knives- some production and others handmade, some brand new and others covered with patina, some great big Rambo type knives, while other knives are those little pearl Sunday knives.

One thing I've witnessed about our community too is our respect for each other and how well we allow our fellow members to have, and share their opinions. Do we always agree with each other? No we don't, but we handle it like good neighbors- not feuding kinfolks.

With all this said, I do have a question though. And while I don't want to discuss all the particulars here (not right now anyway), I do want to get your opinion on this question-


What do you think is THE most controversial topic you've seen talked about when it comes to knives?


 It goes without saying- I don't want any people's names here or any of the actual details of the argument, only high-level topics and/or identifying the subject matter.


...I'm just curious :)



Views: 342

Tags: controversial, debate, discuss, educate, subject, topic

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Comment by Allen Goodman on January 28, 2011 at 0:41
...hmmm,how about is it a "weapon" or "tool" thing. Good question Scott.
^ l l { l\l
Comment by J.J. Smith III on January 28, 2011 at 0:08
Someone give Dale a tissue.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 27, 2011 at 23:54

.. excluding religion & politics ..


Oh yeah .. just try .. majority .. can't do it .. are simply unable .. look around !!!!


!!! .. it's an emotional thingie .. !!!

Comment by J.J. Smith III on January 27, 2011 at 23:50

Not counting the times that I had to self moderate some of my posts here, I recall some amount of controversy in regard to "Made in Pakistan".  

This naturally carries over to "US vs Import" blades arguement,and almost always seems to generate some amount of disagreement.

Comment by Robert Coleman on January 27, 2011 at 23:48
War trophy's (knives, swords daggers as well as other items of historical value) and should they be returned to their place of origin.
Comment by James Fry on January 27, 2011 at 23:42
Ms. Smith. Are you a maker?
Comment by James Fry on January 27, 2011 at 23:33
That was all tongue-in-cheek Sweety. Relax.
Comment by James Fry on January 27, 2011 at 23:24
Dr. Seuss? Really? I prefer Chairman Mao. 'True power comes from the muzzle of a gun'
Comment by James Fry on January 27, 2011 at 23:07

Hey, look. If you're not a Baptist, you're a heathen. If you voted for the village idiot from Kenya, you commited treason. If you don't own aautomatic knives, you're not a  man. And there is no NFL team that comes close to the integrity of Penn State.  JoePa is gawd.

Come on. Grow some stones. There's no such thing as 'too controversial'

Now if you really want to know how I feel, just ask.      Jim

Comment by Mike Carter on January 27, 2011 at 23:06

stainlees steel vs "carbon" steel

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