Well the last contest seemed to zip by with Peter's nice win.  I had expected a more difficult time and a little longer contest.  I even had at least one Tip to give you guys.

You're just too knife knowledgeable.  There is always someone at iKC who can deduce the answer....which is good.  But it always seems more fun when they go for at least 3-44 days.  You guys get me laughing I'll tell ya.

So, we will move forward with Contest #4.

I think it will take a little longer, I tried to make it more of a challenge,  so I do have some Tips to hand out and a way to provide the tips without benefiting some players and leaving others out.  I will probably start the tips on Day 3 of the contest.

The contest:

  • Photos of five (5) various pocket knives are below.
  • other data is below the photos,  including the tang information for each of the five knives and the value for each.  This value is the price that I paid.  In some instances this is more than five years ago so today's value may be higher.

The Rules:

For each of the five (5) knives you must match the photo to the tang info to the price.

The photos are listed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The tang information is listed A, B, C, D, E

The value information  is listed as i, ii, iii, iv, v

Pay attention to the rules

What do you have to do?  What is the dang objective??

The idea is to match each photo to it's tang information and it's value.

So one answer would look like 1,A,i  OR  4,C,v.  These answers will be called "sets". so with 5 knives your full answer will include five sets because you need to match all 5 knives.

NOTE: the above "answers" are just for instruction they are NOT real "answers"

Giving your answers:  You can provide one answer (five sets) each day

The contest will run for 7 days beginning Monday June 26th thru 5 pm Pacific Time on Monday July 2nd to give just over a full 7 days

Because I think this will be difficult I will give hints at times during the next week.

You can only give ONE answer each day, so you can give up to a total of 7 answers but if you give more than one answer in one day you will be disqualified

The photos, one group pic and five individual:

Knife 1

Knife 2

Knife 3

Knife 4

Knife 5

The Tang information

A:     <R>/Russell & Co./Green River

B:     U.S.A.

C:     Shur-Snap/Colonial

D:     Ideal K.Co./U.S.A.

E:    Victorinox/Switzerland/Stainless/Rostfrei

The Values

i:     $295

ii:     $155

iii:    $150

iv:     $10.23

v:      $21.58

Questions? Ask your questions before you make your answer.  Once you answer for the day, the answer counts even if you had a question or made a mistake and gave the same answer someone else gave yesterday.

Prize:  The prize is a choice between a Barlow, a nice advertisement knife or a nice vintage red handled knife from Imperial.  I will post photos and the winner chooses.

The contest starts NOW

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Comment by Lee Saunders on June 30, 2012 at 20:58

I have decided to give Clue #2 today (Saturday) and Clue #3 tomorrow.

Clue #2 is

Our 1st two contestants got one same set correct.

Since there are two contestants who have answered this contest so far, you should be able to figure out which of the five knives you both got 100% correct in your June 30th answers if you remember Clue #1. 

If you figure that out then you only have four knives to decipher.

Clue 3 will be issued tomorrow, Sunday July 1st.

Comment by Lee Saunders on June 30, 2012 at 18:41

You can play Steve.  I didn't give you the answer to hold this time!

If no one gets it right today I will give another Clue tomorrow evening because I will be out of town tomorrow and probably won't get online until 5 or 6 west coast time and then I'll be traveling back Monday late morning.  So sunday afternoon or early evening looks like "Clue" time.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 30, 2012 at 14:48

I went crabbing and fishing yesterday and I didn't get to guess. Well, here is todays answer: 4.E.IV...3,A,III.....5,C,V...2.B.I.....1,D,II.....

Comment by Lee Saunders on June 29, 2012 at 14:31

Clue number 1 for Contest number 4

June 28, 2012

OK guys and gals:
Here is Clue number 1 for Contest number 4

If 2 more people answered this Contest we would see that 3 is really iii.

Good luck everyone.

Comment by Lee Saunders on June 29, 2012 at 14:24

Getting closer lol

check your message box

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 28, 2012 at 19:19

Well trying to keep up with things around here has kept me from being more actice , but I have a little break. So, I'm gonna try again. Heres my un- educated guess.lol....4eV...3aIII....5cIV....2bI....1dII....Thanks

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 26, 2012 at 20:21

This will be my deal today. I'm so tired, I think a fig could out run me..lol.. #3 A III...#5CV...I'm wore out, today, putting up some veggies. Love the contest.

Comment by Lee Saunders on June 26, 2012 at 20:07

No Robert, so far I only have your original answer.

Well here goes my guess for today. #4eIV....#3aI...#5cV...#2bII....#1cIII.....Educated guess...Ha Ha

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 26, 2012 at 20:01

 I'm so busy with the grand girls I don't know if I answered again or not...? What the heck....

Comment by Lee Saunders on June 26, 2012 at 18:07

Also, what I will do for everyone is alert you if you have given the same answer more than once (a typo) so that you can fix it.

And Robert, you made one error and listed "c" twice so if you want to fix it today...before midnight Pacific Time...I will accept the corrected entry.

White River Knives

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