Lee Saunders's Blog (89)

Switchblade: Civil War Veteran's Knife


Added by Lee Saunders on February 21, 2014 at 10:06 — 6 Comments

New Knife Display

Well, here is my…


Added by Lee Saunders on January 13, 2014 at 19:01 — 5 Comments

New Switchblade

My newest switchblade is actually a letter opener.  I bought it because I don't have one and this letter opener is special.  The guy I bought it from has written an important book on switchblades...maybe the bible, and even he did not know this knife had been made until during the last year.  Why is it special ?

                                                                                                                                                                   It is made…


Added by Lee Saunders on December 9, 2013 at 17:21 — 2 Comments

Otoberfest (kinda)

OK the October items trickled in so I will post what I have.

Let's start with a non-folding fixed-blade knife.  I don't have too many but this one caught my eye because of the horn handle and the inlaid turquoise at the base.  It's a Holly for those that want to know.…


Added by Lee Saunders on October 18, 2013 at 18:30 — 5 Comments

New Item Soon

So I have a few folders and one switchblade letter opener on the way and will post pics when they get here.

But the item I am most excited about is a 1931 Connecticut fishing license/tag.  Its like a button and its my first.  So its 80 years old..I...any of you guys collect these?

Added by Lee Saunders on October 17, 2013 at 13:25 — 1 Comment


What's next?  Maybe the very very rare "Teenage Girl's" switchblade. with the actual marketing material.  The knife was actually marketed to teenage girls and the blade was etched to make it feel personal.

Can you imagine that today?  marketing switchblades to specific sets of teenagers??

Added by Lee Saunders on September 30, 2013 at 12:08 — 4 Comments

New Very Old Switchblade

A friend who I have bought quite a few switchblades from for my collection knows I want one very special switchblade.


During the Civil War, as you know, a lot of soldiers on both sides endured horrific injuries,  Often injuries from the dreaded Minie Ball led to the loss of limbs.  I remember some huge number detailed in a Civil War book about the number of arms & legs lost during the wa.  Astronomical.


Someone invented a knife for the Press Button Knife…


Added by Lee Saunders on September 25, 2013 at 14:00 — 7 Comments

New Switchblades

Hi all. Never here enough but I bought some new small double-blade switchblades to share.

The silver handled knife is marked on the small blade

U.S. Pats

Dec 21, 09

Sep 13, 10

Jun 6, 16

Reverse on the large blade is:


Cut Co

Walden N.Y.

The gold (10k?) is marked on both sides of each blade.

Both blades:

Press Button

Knife Co

Walden N.Y.



Added by Lee Saunders on July 28, 2013 at 15:00 — 3 Comments

Toolkit update

I posted pics of this in the past but I have some new (cool) info to add.


I bought this nice small toolkit a few years back.  Expensive but I really liked it. Problem was I didn't really know anything about it.


Knife is permanently attached and the six diferent tols affix to the opposite end from the blade.


Twist, click and you're in with the drill, file whatever.


But it really isn't substantial enough to use as a kit of tools.…


Added by Lee Saunders on July 28, 2013 at 15:00 — 8 Comments

Switchblade Collection

I put together some of my switchblades for a local knife show a few months back.  And the red Craftsman is my newest knife. Nice!…


Added by Lee Saunders on May 13, 2013 at 13:13 — 9 Comments

A New (Old) NOS Russell Green River Works "Daddy" Barlow

I finally purchased this Russell "Daddy" Barlow.  About 5" long when closed with great saw cut handles, Russell with the arrow thru the "R" is etched on the blade as if it just came from the factory.

The tang has the Russell logo in a diamond shape, and the "R" with the arrow is emblazoned.

What is almost as nice as this 'minty' knife?  It came wrapped in the original waxed-paper covering sitting in the original Russell box that displays the logo for John Russell Green River…


Added by Lee Saunders on November 25, 2012 at 17:00 — 8 Comments

Red Craftsman Switchblade

Herre is my newest switchblade---a rred Crraftsman of course from Schrade and Walden New York.

What's different?  Well if you can see the advertisement below the knife in these pics...it is from the 1951 Spring.Summerr Sears Catalog and plays out the knives they are selling. 


$2.95?  Gimme a dozen right!?!

It is a nice knife and cost me a lot more than three bucks I'll tell ya…


Added by Lee Saunders on October 26, 2012 at 12:55 — 2 Comments

Finally A Little Knife and a Box

The last one today is a sweet John Primble Belknap in the original box that held 1/2 dozen of these little guys as a store display.

We are probably talking in the 40s for this set, so it is hard to keep the box (cardboard) and in such good condition.

The blade is etched (sorry it is hard to read) and says:

John Primble Finest Steel

The handles are peach seed imitation bone and both are in excellent condition.

The box itself is close to…


Added by Lee Saunders on September 21, 2012 at 17:40 — No Comments

New (Old) Pocket Knives

And some new vvintage folders for you.  The first is a Winchester Barlow with two blades.  I have a couple of open slots in that case I posted photos of awhile back.  This one has beautiful handles, it's damn nea minty since it is some 80-90 years old.  I like these old Winchesters.…


Added by Lee Saunders on September 21, 2012 at 16:11 — 1 Comment

Nice Utility Knife

Will post a few knives today.  The first is probably the best utility knife I have ever held.  It's from Garrett Wadeand is a MORAKNIV  from Sweden.  The name is etched on the blade but hard to read in these pics.  You can see it on the sheath in one photo though.

Why do I like it?  Durable grippy rubber…


Added by Lee Saunders on September 21, 2012 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

Final Knife Post Today

The last post for the day.

This one also is from Garrett-Wade, but comes from a small firm in Uruguay, this knife is called The Condor.  You can see the condor stamped into the black sheath.

The other black handled knife looked mean??  This one just looks treacherous!  It's what drew me to the polycarb handle.  In black it is just sweet.…


Added by Lee Saunders on August 31, 2012 at 19:00 — 1 Comment

2nd Knife Post

Another knife from Garrett Wade.  Bigger than the first knife, nothing like the 3rd one.  It is pretty substantial for a folding knife and has a belt clip so you can wear it.

So you could use it in the yard.  Not on the farm or the ranch but in the yard.  Well, you could for small things.…


Added by Lee Saunders on August 31, 2012 at 18:30 — No Comments

Hello & Some New Knives

Hi all.  Sorry I have been missing but I am here today and even have some new pics to post.  I hope all of you have been damn well!!

First knife up is small and from a company called Garrett-Wade.  They sell a lot of knives and implements along with other related tools.

This knife is 3 1/4" closed and the handles look like rosewood.  It reminds me of a knife I bought here.  It has a metal belt clip and can be opened/closed with one hand.…


Added by Lee Saunders on August 31, 2012 at 18:30 — 6 Comments

Weather....what can you do?

After a streatch of great weather it looks like we are in for misery here in Sacramento.  The only good thing?  The humidity here is retty low.

The California State Fair  starts in a few days and that usdually give us the hottest period of the year.  But usually the Fair is the last two weeks of August!  They moved it dang it.…


Added by Lee Saunders on July 8, 2012 at 22:30 — 9 Comments

^ Pocket Knives and One Pouch!

Recently I bought six pocket knives that came with just one pouch.


Well, for one I wanted the pouch.  It looked pretty cool.  Old leather that seemed to still be in good shape.  Plus I wanted one of the knives.  An I-SL George Wostenholm that seemed to be a vintage Barlow that has the Wostenholm tang etching of Oil The Joints.

So I bid on the group, very few bidders and I got the knife I wanted (and the pouch) for sixty bucks...plus five…


Added by Lee Saunders on July 6, 2012 at 16:15 — 9 Comments

White River Knives

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