Not only is Christmas fast approaching but so it appears that the 1000th iKC member is looming on the horizion.

Plans are in the works for this event.
Scheduled events include; a parade, iKC 'Block Party" (with music and good eats), with a fireworks display finishing out the evening.
Other events will, I'm sure, be added as the big day draws near.

Check in for further updates...

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Comment by iKC Gift Shop on December 10, 2009 at 0:29
By the looks of the new residents, may just be an engraver or a scrimshander.

Ok, you've got the fireworks covered.
The diner is taking care of the "soft" drinks, though they may still have some Billy Beer in the boxcar.
Several BBQ outfits have committed along with individuals who want to "tailgate" it.
Music for the block party, check.

We've also got a couple of big outfits that plan on making an appearance also, but that's our secret.

What else would you like?
You're going to make a speach, I'm sure.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on December 9, 2009 at 16:07
Not that I'm a betting man, but we could have some fun guessing what day he/she joins, whether he/she is a collector, knifemaker, engraver, or what their main knife interest is and even whether he/she loads their own avatar or stays with the invisible head one JJ made :) We could have some fun with this, don't you agree? But needless we get off topic we'll stay with the celebration thought for now....

I hate to ask, but who's in charge of the drinks for the party?....I'm figuring it will be the Beer Group who steps up for this task :)

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on December 9, 2009 at 16:00
I'll be in charge of the fireworks!

I just hope it isn't raining :)
Comment by J.J. Smith III on December 9, 2009 at 15:21
Now I can't very well know exactly "When", but the parade route is already planned.
Residents are encouraged to decorate the route, where it passes their locations.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on December 9, 2009 at 12:10
A community event organizer?! I love it. Just tell me where and when to be there :)

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