I received a conversation copy.  I thought about making changes but decided that the conversation is the best way to introduce the pictures and the differences

Yesterday evening Tony and I were talking about Yukons and the "Yukon shield" and he said, "I have one...you want to shoot it?". I said, "heck yeah", and then I mentioned that Reese and I were talking about something he was refering to as "rat tail bolsters"(which had nothing to do with "rat tail flutes"). Tony explained that there used to be a folding hunter that people called "rat tail hunters". He said, "I have one of those too, want to shoot it?" I said(you guessed it), "HECK YEAH!". He went on to say, "You should shoot this old Case folding hunter too and all three together and point out the differences".

So, here we have(left to right in the first image) a rare Catt. Yukon LINER LOCK! (UH...who is it that they say "invented" the liner lock ?) This knife may go back to sometime before 1910...notice hammered pins. The bone is purrrrrfectly yummy. The butt of the handle goes down to about (top to bottom) 3/8" width and the front has a straight bolster. Also notice that the original brass bail is intact. These knives could be ordered with or without the bail. The Yukon is a single blade knife and could be purchased with or without a locking liner.

Next is the Kinfolks Folding "rat tail" hunter and is sometime incorrectly refered to as a Yukon. This knife has early Rogers bone and may go back into the 1920s...notice TWO PINS on the front edge of the bone. Later knives had a single pin up front. The differences are obvious: "copperhead style bolsters, two blades, and a little bigger butt. ( I know Campbell..you like big butts )

The last one is the typical Case folding hunter. This particular one is out of the 50's (if I remember right) and has late Rogers bone. Notice the differences between it and the rat tail hunter.

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Comment by Steven Matthew on February 11, 2013 at 23:04
Simply perfect
Comment by Lee Smith on February 11, 2013 at 21:20

I have a case and a queen. Now I need the other two. Thanks again Jan you did it again. Darn there are just to many knives out there and I want them all.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on February 11, 2013 at 20:44

Thanks, Miss Jan and Tony, you have some fine folding hunters here. I would be glad to take one off of you...lol

Comment by Jan Carter on February 11, 2013 at 19:12


They are Tony Bose's knives.  He has been kind enough to share some of his collection with us recently

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on February 11, 2013 at 18:12

I love them all but the Cattaraugus is my favorite. Who owns these nice knives?

Comment by Craig Henry on February 11, 2013 at 16:28

All I can say is............wow. And wow. As I, and many others, say, it's hard to beat nice bone handles! And those qualify for nice! You can see a family resemblance between the handles of the Case and the Knifolks. All three to die for.

Comment by Smiling-Knife on February 11, 2013 at 11:41

Thanks for posting those beautiful knives and the interesting information on the pattern variations. The scales on the old knives are fantastic.

White River Knives




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