Jan Carter's Blog (90)

National Knife Day 2016

Happy Happy Happy National Knife Day !!!!!!!!!

Knife Day is the day to appreciate the knives that folk use on a daily basis. This day is a celebration of this marvelous tool that has been with humans since the dawn of time. 

I am not sure that most folks know about today...but we sure do.  So…


Added by Jan Carter on August 24, 2016 at 6:59 — 27 Comments

Tanto sharing for Bryan W

This is a Tanto that was given to me by the widow of my best friend that died a few years ago.  He loved the Japanese swords, and unfortunately I know little of its history.  I did have an expert look at it, who determined it was made from a cut down (or broken) WWII Japanese sword.  The polishing is not correct, the shape of the blade tip is a bit off, but the parts are all authentic and someone put a lot of time into this piece.  The collar was noted as being very…


Added by Jan Carter on June 29, 2016 at 19:56 — No Comments

Memorial Day, Just my take

I don't often narrow my comments to USA but this holiday is one that is very close to my heart

I am a brat!  I was raised being moved from country to country, state to state and base to base.  It was honestly a privilege.  I learned that no matter where you are in the world at 4PM every day, you stopped, placed your hand over your heart, listened to the National Anthem followed by Taps.  You learned early that God and Country were to be respected and those lost remembered.



Added by Jan Carter on May 26, 2016 at 14:08 — 2 Comments

Best Fixed Blade

Added by Jan Carter on December 5, 2015 at 18:52 — 5 Comments

How and where do you take a stand?

Some states say they have the right to dictate what you can carry and why, simply because you have chosen to live there.  Now there seems to be a heated discussion about what your allowed to see.  Thats right, pictures of "weapons" such as a SAK knife are no longer your choice to see LOL

Google Adwords has long taken the stand that folks that sell guns cannot advertise with them.  Then it was companies that incorporated the word KNIFE in their business name.  Yes even a site where we…


Added by Jan Carter on November 2, 2014 at 13:35 — 3 Comments

Donnie & Jan will not be going to Ohio

As much as I hate this, we will not be going on to Ohio from here.  Something has come up at home and we need to be in Tampa on Wed.  With my health a trip back to Tampa and then up to Ohio is just not going to be possible.

If the trip home were not absolutely necessary, I would cancel it but alas it is not something I can pass on.  I apologize to all that are going, there are so many I wanted to meet.  There is another one in April and I have every intention of making it there if I…


Added by Jan Carter on October 17, 2014 at 20:02 — 6 Comments

A Pakistan suppliers point of view...didn't see that coming did you?

I was recently contacted by a supplier of Pakistan knives and steel.  Now, Now...give this discussion a chance.

This supplier has been on iKC for a number of years.  When he first contacted me it was with the hope that I would listen and have an open minded discussion with him.  Because he is a member and has been very respectful not to overstep here at iKC with selling openly.  I chose to listen.  This was how the discussion started

The issue is that I want to…


Added by Jan Carter on July 19, 2014 at 16:19 — 52 Comments

Create the time to visit PA Aug 7-9 , YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!

What if you could spend a weekend in a town known for knife making, tour two US Knife factories and celebrate the likes of French Kate, Ben Hogan and the US oil Boom?  All the while spending the night in a caboose?

It brings back memories for me.  This is the first year in some time that we will not be there.  I encourage anyone close enough to make this trip...Do IT!

Titusville is a beautiful town, right down the road from Tidioute.  This year the one weekend can be action…


Added by Jan Carter on July 13, 2014 at 18:06 — 7 Comments


Some of the groups we have been hosting will be deactivated, beginning this week.  We will not lose any information, I will transfer it to another appropriate group.  This is a time consuming project but necessary for a number of reasons.

These groups are not growing and activity is what drives our numbers in the search engines and with new members.  Comments breed comments.

Our hosting provider NING is transitioning us to a new platform next year, dates unknown…


Added by Jan Carter on June 29, 2014 at 10:38 — 13 Comments

A great letter to send to your Governors


There is nothing good to say about New Jersey's pending Ivory Ban, S.2012/A.3128. It starts by citing every exaggeration and…


Added by Jan Carter on June 21, 2014 at 19:18 — 6 Comments

On March 4th 2014, the following knives were stolen from RDU airport.

I dont do this very often but this just screams TELL EVERY KNIFE COLLECTOR THERE IS


Added by Jan Carter on March 13, 2014 at 17:52 — 11 Comments

iKC and the NKCA bringing goodwill to a local Charity

Yesterday iKC and the NKCA helped a local home for challenged folks.  The Angelus is an amazing community and Lisa and I were proud to be invited to join in the excitement of yesterdays first Pasco Musical festival.  While Lisa was in Arkansas at a knifemakers show talking up the NKCA and us, we were the concert talking up the same and the benefits of having a community like The Angelus in Tampa Bay!

It was amazing…


Added by Jan Carter on February 23, 2014 at 10:30 — 8 Comments


March 7/8/9 in Dalton GA


This will be the next Knife show iKC attends.  It promises to be a good one with many sponsors and members in attendance.  Donnie and I are looking forward to spending time with members, so let's think…


Added by Jan Carter on February 16, 2014 at 8:55 — 26 Comments

The last Blind Horse Knife!

We will still be honoring all Blind Horse Knives Lifetime Warranties. Contact either shop for information.

That announcement is not quite what you wanted to see when you went to the Blind Horse site.  A team of great Knifemakers, producing quality and hand built knives.  The gentleman have…


Added by Jan Carter on December 2, 2013 at 20:46 — 1 Comment


Sometimes you go to a knife show, 70 tables of knives to look at people to meet...Great folks to talk knives with

Sometimes you go to knife event, a knife show with things like the cutting challenges and a bit of forging.

If we had the opportunity to plan a knife event what would it be like?  No answer is too small or too large, help me brain storm this out!

If you were going to plan a knife event....what would be the plan, what would you include?

Added by Jan Carter on October 25, 2013 at 17:00 — 22 Comments

Todays stop was the FL. Knifemakers show , some nice knives!!

As usual a show involving the Gators Cutlery Club was a hit.  The Knifemakers show brings in some real talent and some of the nicest folks you would ever hope to meet.

One of the things I like about this show is that it has something for everyone.  There are the customs, the high dollar customs, the manufactured and even some english beauties.

A knife maker that always make me smile when I see him at a show?  Mr. Russell McNabb.  A man whose knives are created…


Added by Jan Carter on October 5, 2013 at 17:58 — 11 Comments

Tactical Knives

Tactical Knives is always looking for letters to the editor we can run in the magazine. Is there anything you would like to ask us?

That is a question running on Tactical Knives Facebook Page.  I think you should all be able to see it and respond!


Added by Jan Carter on September 10, 2013 at 15:06 — 1 Comment


Before I left for PA I received a call from Greg at TSA knives.  He wanted to help support our membership drive that weekend.  He generously donated a $100.00 gift certificate to TSA Knives for any member joining as a result of our presence at the shows.  We proudly displayed the following certificate on our table

Thank you Greg for allowing us to have…


Added by Jan Carter on August 10, 2013 at 16:05 — 6 Comments

Setting up a Blade Show

Well first you take what appears to be a large room and set out 400 booths and 700 tables

Then you tell everyone to decorate theirs as they see fit

I will get a shot of some of the more elaborate ones tomorrow.  Can not…


Added by Jan Carter on May 30, 2013 at 18:13 — 7 Comments

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