Sometimes you go to a knife show, 70 tables of knives to look at people to meet...Great folks to talk knives with

Sometimes you go to knife event, a knife show with things like the cutting challenges and a bit of forging.

If we had the opportunity to plan a knife event what would it be like?  No answer is too small or too large, help me brain storm this out!

If you were going to plan a knife event....what would be the plan, what would you include?

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Comment by peter force on November 5, 2013 at 8:36

i read the previous posts and lots are great ideas!!

here is another new one that has not yet been posted...

since we represent the world..i would have to agree with charles.. an online event... has anyone ever heard of a ROUNDTABLE.? every club and forum i  have had one in or hosted have been excellent.... if you would like even more information on what one is and how simple they can be...AND THE FUN!!! ..and 99% of it would  al be handled online. i have hosted a few 'tables" and their is not much to it. most of the time once a member sees one..i see them spread ..2,3,4 times a year.. normally any member can host one if others agree on the TABLE IDEA brought forth!...-let me know if you would just like to hear more-THEY ARE LOTS OF FUN!!  

Comment by Charles Sample on November 2, 2013 at 22:34

Something on line would be great.  I can't be too far away from my wife for too long because I have to help her with some things and it is very hard for her to travel any more.  So something that is very far away, I would not be able to attend.

Comment by Jan Carter on November 1, 2013 at 5:03

I would like to see more like it!

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on October 31, 2013 at 18:47

I did not know they were available. Great, thanks guys.

Comment by Jan Carter on October 31, 2013 at 17:47

Well lets see, JJ did one for pit carving.  I think it is a total of 6 lessons?


and D ale did one on a whistle


In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on October 31, 2013 at 15:07

Is it possible for a member to have a class, here on line, about his/her expertise? A "How To" class. I don't know what would work but it's all a good idea.

Comment by Jason Oncedisturbed Riley on October 29, 2013 at 17:36

Unfortunately things like this is very very rare where I live.

Ideas posted here are all very valid and agree as well, how to / diy workshops would be good to see

Comment by Jan Carter on October 28, 2013 at 19:56

I am liking this discussion more and more.  I see some doable ideas in here!  Keep the ideas coming! 

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on October 28, 2013 at 11:41

Boy, that all sounds great, Alex.

Comment by Alexander Noot on October 28, 2013 at 1:51

I would like to see a free plane ticket to attend LOL.

But if I were able to attend. What would get my juices flowing is specialist workshops. I've seen a few good ones at the show here, like a high class scrimshander showing his process, or a japanese sword polisher. Knife skills or knifemaking skills that could be demonstrated. Maybe a smith showing how to forge in the plunge line (there are a few who can do that so well it almost doesn't require any grinding) or someone like Tai-Goo (Mastersmith) to talk a little about his forging process.

Cutting demonstrations are always fun, as are grinding demonstrations.

Maybe a kitchen knife workshop? Or a high class folding maker talk about what HE sees as points of quality in a knife?

White River Knives

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