Donnie never gives a knife without getting a coin in return, we all know the old saying about it cutting a friendship and that is just something we are not willing to risk

I was reading about it on the web the other day and here are some I knew about and some old wives tales that I never heard

If you cut hot cornbread with a knife, you'll cut your luck

It is bad luck to stir anything with a knife. "To stir with a knife, is to stir strife".

Pennsylvania-Germans: It may cause pain or stitches in the side to stir anything
with a knife.

When you drop your knife someone else is supposed to pick it up for you or you get bad luck.

A knife on the floor, = stranger to the door...(cross your fingers when picking it back up to break the meeting)

Knife falls, gentleman calls;
Fork falls, lady calls;
Spoon falls, baby calls

Russian: If a knife falls to the floor, it is a sign that someone male will come to visit. Drop a fork or a spoon and someone female will soon appear. "If you don't want them to come, you have to immediately knock three times with the utensil
on the table and say 'stay at home'"

Whereas a knife dropped in both Bulgaria and Britain is presumed to forecast a male visitor to the house, in the British Isles the theme is extended two steps further: a dropped fork predicts the arrival of a woman, and a dropped carving
knife means a policeman will be paying a visit.

As early as 1646 reference is made to a superstition of laying a knife across
another piece of cutlery.

If you lay a fork flat on the table with the tines up, do not rest a knife on edge
using the tines to support it. If you do, you and whoever you're eating with (or
whoever you next eat with if you're alone) will quarrel

Crossing your knife and spoon on your plate after you have eaten is an indicator
that the food tasted horrible and that you wish bad luck on the cook

In Greece a black-handled knife placed under the pillow is used to keep away
It is bad luck to close a pocket knife unless you were the one who opened it.

Supposedly the Kukhuri is supposed to draw blood before its put back in its
sheath or all kinds off bad crap is to befall you...

so do you do any of these or do you have another one?????????

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Comment by Craig Henry on January 25, 2013 at 23:54

Some guys used to do the "get a coin" one years ago. But as far as the rest.....maybe that's why I have bad luck winning a knife! LOL!

Comment by Steven Matthew on January 25, 2013 at 23:53
Real neat ! Have not heard these before!
Comment by Stanley May on January 25, 2013 at 21:56

I have one of my own:  its bad luck to show up at the airport security gate with your $1800 custom made knife you meant to leave at home, and your flight leaves in 5 minutes.

Comment by Lee Smith on January 25, 2013 at 20:52

nope lol

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