How do you guys rather the balance of the weight in a fixed blade knife "foward"  "in the middle"  "backwards"? I know in a long or large bladed knife the weight will have to be foward but thats not what I'm talking about. The average 8 to 10 inch knife, give or take a little. Do you rather the weight back in your hand or foward in the blade? Lets hear what ya'll think.

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Comment by Robert Burris on March 8, 2012 at 20:06

Yep Lee, I like the weight in my hand also, unless it's a long blade. Like 15" over all knife. I have found some cheaper knives to be way out of balance. I think this is something a knife user needs to take into consideration. What ever is their prefrance is they need to check for it when buying a knife.

Comment by Lee Saunders on March 8, 2012 at 19:58

I like the knife to be a little heavier in my hand no matter the size.  I started to just say 50/50 because that makes sense to my brain.  But thinking about my favorites and why they are my favorites--other than aesthetics--they feel best if I feel that I am actually holding on to something.  If the weight is forward it feels like the knife is out of whack.  50/50 is alright but 40/60 or 45/55 is best for me.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 12, 2012 at 7:22

My arms are a bit disabled so I notice the balance of a blade a little more than most folks, I guess. A good hunting knife should have most of its weight in your hand, keeping the blade light and easy to do delicate work at times. A heavy blade will where you out skinning many animals. I'm not into Tacticals so I wouldn't know much about them. Large camp knives, I perfer the weight in the blade. It helps in chopping task, as Alex told us, but lets not make it too blade heavy, you loose in accuracy. I was just wondering what others thought on the subject of balance.

Comment by Alexander Noot on January 11, 2012 at 12:44

Depends on it's use.

Kitchen: in the middle. I want to hardly feel the knife moving around.

Fighting/self defense, in the handle. I want a slasher that'll move FAST.

Choppping/campwork: in the blade. I want some weight and forward momentum.

White River Knives

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