Thanks Everyone for helping me find Greg.

Here is his reponse:

Hey Dave!  Thanks for tracking me down.  I do remember this knife but I don't remember who bought it.  It sold around 9 years ago for about 450 I believe.  I made this knife about 2 years after I started making blades and this particular knife was the first knife I did with a framed in handle like that.  I did a similar piece shortly after with a guard like that in all nickel silver instead of a copper center.  Today I sell knives like that for around 600-800 depending on what you want in your blade.  I believe I used 5160 steel for the blade.  I didn't make to many knives with that steel because I couldn't get a Hamon to show as good as plain carbon steels.  But the chromium in it makes it a tough blade and slightly rust resistant. However, that blade was heat treated in clay and you should be  able to see the hamon in the right light.   The handle is stabilized amboyna burl and the framed in piece is nickel silver and the guard is nickel silver and copper.  I believe there are two mosaic pins in the guard as well.  Below is the sister knife and a couple others I've done recently.  The torpedo looking one is my own design and I call them Baughman toothpicks.  
-Greg Baughman
Here are Greg's Knives (the sister knife is #6):

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Comment by Jan Carter on January 20, 2013 at 17:22

Fantastic!  I like his work and that he would take the time to respond.  He should join us here too :)

White River Knives

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