Here is Nessmuk's book "Woodcraft" in a 1.5mb PDF File (Below Photos)

This is the version now on the internet. It was made from the 1964 printing, and it has a ton of errors from the early OCR scanner. Nothing better is available.

A good friend has loaned me an 1894 original book, and I am scanning it now. It will take a while to do all the work, read it word for word (my 500'th reading, anyway) and make sure every word is correct. I'm going to add a great index so you can look up any word you want to find, and you can do a text search also. I'm re-working the illustrations to make them clearer. I'm adding a glossary to explain the many words and expressions that are no longer used today — and there are some very cool ones I intend to start using again!




Anyway, wade in and start enjoying old Nessmuk's book. It's a lifelong fascination if you haunt the out of doors.

Nessmuk's "Woodcraft" is not copyrighted — distribute it to everyone.


Views: 4148

Tags: PDF, Woodcraft, blades, book, nessmuk, shelter, tarp

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Comment by CaptJeff Saylor on January 11, 2010 at 0:15
thanks Andy! that is a great read!
Comment by Kyle M on September 4, 2009 at 1:45
Right on! Thanks for this Andy. A lot of people have told me about this outdoorsman and his book. I'll put the pdf in my phone so I can chip away at the book little by little when I have time. Its funny cause "Nessmuk's Blades" are almost carbon copies of what I carry when I go hiking... only mine are "modern" versions.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on August 31, 2009 at 15:10
Sounds like good stuff Andy. I'll check it out. Thanks.
Comment by Bruce Piehl on August 31, 2009 at 4:59
This is Great!

White River Knives




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