W. R Case Son eventually evolved to the W. R. Case and sons as per knife history.

W. R. Case & Son Cutlery – The Beginning
As stated earlier, W.R. Case was not involved with his brothers’ business, but the Case Brothers Company served to train his son.
During the years 1900-1902, John Russell Case had worked for his uncles and earned his indoctrination into the cutlery business.
Through the support and financial assistance of his father, Russ Case founded a knife brokerage firm in Little Valley, New York in 1902.
In an effort to have customers perceive his new business as being well established, he not only used his grandfather’s (Job R. Case) picture in the company’s advertising, but he also used his father’s name in naming the company W. R. Case & Son.
Russ Case purchased knives for his brokerage business on contract from Platts Brothers Cutlery Co., Cattaraugus Cutlery Co. and others.
Consequently, there were many pattern variations during the 1902-1905 period preceding the establishment of his factory.
They were various tang marks on the contract knives during this period.
W. R. Case & Sons Knife Manufacturers

***********Also during this time Year there was other great happenings*************

1st Rose Bowl game (Pasadena, California) (U of Mich-49, Sanford-0)

 The United Irish League, a leading force for unification in all Ireland and independence from Britain, holds its convention in Dublin

Carnegie Institute founded in Wash DC

Opera "Hunchback of Notre Dame," premieres in Monte Carlo

American Automobile Association (AAA) founded in Chicago

US Census Bureau forms

A United States court of appeals rules that Thomas Edison did not invent the movie camera.

1st motion picture theater opens (LA)

J C Penney opens his 1st store in Kemmerer, Wyo

Texas Oil Company (Texaco) forms

1st Automat restaurant opens (818 Chestnut St, Phila)

Pres Teddy Roosevelt became 1st US chief executive to ride in a car

1st indoor pro football game, Syracuse beats Phila 6-0 (Madison Square Garden,

MORE INPUT : http://straightrazorplace.com/srpwiki/index.php/Case,_W.R._and_Sons

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Comment by Sue OldsWidow on March 14, 2015 at 17:33

Alan ,,,,sent you a link in your email for the oldest knife forum you wanted.....

Comment by Waggoner, Alan on March 13, 2015 at 22:27

Hi Sue OLDS where/howdo I find the blog about posting pics of your oldest knife? I came across it earlier but did not go through it and now I don't have a clue of how to find it. I put post your oldest knife in the search and found nothing. Thank you.

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 8, 2014 at 12:43

Applied for on July 23, 1902, Milton H. Rowland's "Hunting Knife" patent was both innovative and practical. It's a design that has stood the test of time.

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 8, 2014 at 12:35

Due to the age of this, Saw it on the Ebay, it is fitting for this page....

1902 US Krag Rifle Bayonet

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 5, 2014 at 18:27

Knives have been made at the factory of Queen Cutlery Company of Titusville Pennsylvania for over 100 years. It is arguably the oldest and last American Cutlery that truly continues to produce knives in the same way as they were produced there when the factory opened in 1902; traditional bench-made American cutlery. This is remarkable in this day and age. 

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 5, 2014 at 18:16

Around 1902 a move was made from Cadiz to Franklinville as the company kept growing and again more space and more power was needed. This would be Ontario Knife's current location. Also, on August 12, 1902 the company was incorporated and retained the Ontario Knife Company name.

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 5, 2014 at 18:13

A young Kansas blacksmith apprentice named Hoyt Buck was looking for a better way to temper steel so it would hold an edge longer. His unique approach produced the first Buck Knife in 1902. Hoyt made each knife by hand, using worn-out file blades as raw material. His handy work was greatly appreciated during World War II.

White River Knives

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