I feelCompelled to express my opinion on the first IKC knife. Although I'm sure it is a well made knife, and made with strict supervision,but i t is made in China. As a serious collector, I feel that ANY knife made in Cina is not a collectible because it will never gain in value. Knives outsourced to China are done so that they can be made CHEAPLY. Otherwise they would be made here. AG Russell's catalog is full of outsourced SOG, Spyderco, Ka-Bar, CRKT and ewven their own brand. Offering a China made knife for $90+ dollars is ludicrous. I'm sure Mr. Russell is a great guy, but this type of overpriced outsourced product seems like greed to me. None of my comments were made to cause problems or make anyone angry- These are my opinions on outsourced knives and I welcome any comments from either side of this issue.
Mike W

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Comment by CaptJeff Saylor on December 14, 2009 at 20:01
i agree with the rest of you. i think Sheila said all that i would! at the Indiana Residents Group we took a pole on what kind of knife it would be, what people were comfortable spending, and what time frame we could get them. i an not aware of any such questions comming up to any of the members. the emails that were sent out just stated what the knife was and the price. and there is no argument here about the Chinese made argument. i DO buy Chinese made knives, but i dont collect them. a collectable knife IS made in U.S.A., and any knife lover knows that. i am not upset about this and i dont mean any disrespect towards Scott or any other members involved. and again Sheila is right the Indiana Residents Club knife was made in U.S.A. and cost us $37!! with engraving!!!

Captain, CJS knives
Comment by Rick Cothren on December 14, 2009 at 14:55
If we are looking for an IKC club knife to become a collectible item and have value in the eyes of the members here then I believe a Chinese made knife is out of the question. If you simply want an EDC knife that is primarily to be an advertisement or promotional item for IKC then I don't really have a problem with a Chinese made kinfe as long as it is a good quality knife. That type of "advertising" knife most likely would not become a collectible these days anyway and could be provided for much, much less than $90 as noted above by Mike. Besides, I wouldn't spend my hard earned money on any $90 Chinese knife no matter how good it looks not when there are many US made alternatives for much less than that available already. Heck I can go buy a GEC knife, retail, for less than $90, how much more would it cost to have the blade etched? $10-15 per knife. I would much rather do that than the alternative.

As for Chinese produced knives in general, some are pretty well made and can be great EDC knives but I don't think the knife collector in us would ever consider a Chinese knife a collectible knife. At least the collector in me wouldn't allow that. Just as we don't look that way towards a knife produced in Taiwan or India. I do sell a few China made knives on my tables at the gun/knife shows but only because there is a demand for that product and I'm not there to simply sit on my hands and display museum items. I do have to pay for my table and the less expensive Chinese knives do sell rather quickly. I keep my markup low and use those items to simply help pay my expenses. Just MHO
Comment by Trent Rock on December 14, 2009 at 14:44
Where is the post about the knife?
I can't find it................
Comment by David L. Anthony on December 14, 2009 at 13:31
I have expressed my concern personally to Scott and echo the seniments voiced here already. I have all the respect in the World for Scott King and consider him a good friend, but a China made knife will never stay in my collections. The world is changing, but we need support our brothers as they are few.
Comment by Knife Lady (Sheila) on December 14, 2009 at 13:25
Well I have to agree with you Mike and Brad. This IKC knife should be made in the USA not in China. Since it is being made in China makes me wonder who involved is making money off of any that buys this knife. How can one be allowed to make money from this knife community and another not even be allowed to post a business card up just does not seem fair. I beleive this knife is over priced and this is a way for someone or someones to benefit financially using this community. You do not have to agree with me on this China made knife of which it could have very well been made in USA like the Indiana Residents knife was which is a Kershaw Leek. Check it out and it only cost $37.00. USA made.
Thanks, Sheila
Comment by Brad Hyde on December 14, 2009 at 13:05
I have to agree with Mike on this. C. Platts & Sons Cutlery Company is a Vintage American company and to have a reproduction made with their name on it made in China just doesn't seem right.

White River Knives

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