I think it's time that our club review one of our own knife makers each month an expose their talents to the rest of the club. If any of y'all agree lets hear about it and how to accomplish it. I hope it's not to much to ask of whom ever gets the task of doing it.

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Comment by Alexander Noot on November 7, 2011 at 13:23

Allrigh Rob, here you go.



Alexander Johannus Noot (last name sounds like "note")



Oss, the Netherlands, Europe.


-Personal history

I'm a fulltime Software Test Analyst and funtime knifemaker. I've got 2 kids (a boy and a girl) and a lovely wife.

I'm (at this time) 31 years old.


-How long have you been making knives?

About 3 years now I guess. I got interested through an interest in Straight Razors and it all kind of spiralled out of control into knives.


-What kind of knives do you make?

Anything that takes my fancy. So far I've only built fixed blades but I'm planning on starting on a slipjoint folding knife sometime in the near future. At the moment I've got my sights set on building bowies as well as finishing the projects I'm working on.


- What is your technique?

Basically I draw a shape that I like and go on from there. There's a lot of improvisation involved in my processes and that means that no two knives so far have even been CLOSE to the same.


-What materials do you use to make your knives?

So far, old files, O7 steel(actually 1.2519 which is close to O7), wood(different kinds), damascus, stainless, ivory (both plant ivory and mammoth), MOP, apple coral, nickelsilver, brass, copper, G-10 (although I won't use that anymore, I severely dislike working with it), Carbon Fibre (same as with G-10), etc etc etc. Anything I can get my hands on. I love to experiment with materials.


-Full time or part time? is it a hobby or something else to you?

Definately a hobby. I'd love for it to evolve into something else but that's merely a dream for now.


-Fixed blade or folder or both?

So far only fixed blade. But I want to learn to do both.


-Forged or stock removal, carbon or stainless or damascus?

Yes......all of the above. Just like with materials. Whatever I can get my hands on and whatever I feel like. I've done a few forged ones (they need practice) and lot's of stock removal. I enjoy working with Damascus as much as with simple carbon steel. And I've done some pieces in Stainless (Niolox or SB1 steel) although I won't be using that anymore for a while since I dislike the fact that I can't heat-treat stainless myself.


-What makes your knives special and different from others?

Only the fact that I made them....and that each of them is simply very different from the stuff other people make. Or it could be the amount of love I pour into them (although I suspect each maker does that). So far I've not made a single knife that I had a hard time giving away or selling. I love each and every one of them as the creations of mine that they are.


Any more questions I'll be happy to answer.

Comment by Jan Carter on November 5, 2011 at 18:35
We are storing this information in the Custom Knife Collector Groups.  So keep getting those profiles and we can save the information
Comment by Jan Carter on November 3, 2011 at 20:43

Working on a profile for HHH and for Jake Debaud.  Anyone think of some of our international makers we could ask?


In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on November 2, 2011 at 19:04
Thanks Matt, I am trying to get the word to you. Hey guys, this is one fine knife maker.
Comment by Matthew Lesniewski on November 2, 2011 at 18:56

Hi Rob:


Sounds like a good idea.  I would be willing to aprticipate, let me know what I have to do.



ML Knives


In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on November 2, 2011 at 14:41
I am trying to figure a way to keep this going and not only a profile but an avenue for members to get to know our knife makers. There are members that have never gotten a custom knife and are affraid of getting burned on a knife deal. I think if we could all get to each other a little better the order for custom knives might expand. If anyone has an idea please let me know, I'd like to see this continue.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on November 2, 2011 at 12:41
Looks like this is going to be a good thing here.  Hopefully we can flush out some of the makers that have been hidden here at iKC.
Comment by stephen tungate on November 2, 2011 at 12:04
great story james thanks for all you do here and your knives are some of the best out there today...

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on November 1, 2011 at 19:44
Stay tuned folks some more great IKC knife makers profiles to come. Thanks Mr. James Ivy.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on November 1, 2011 at 19:41

James Ivy

Owner - Kousins_Kustoms


Mesquite, Texas

-Personal history

construction superintendent f0r  20 years

51 divorced with one daughter.

-How long have you been making knives?

12 years or so total/ 5 years full time maker

-What kind of knives do you make?

fixed blades, folders, and tacticals

- What is your technique?

Stock Removal

-What materials do you use to make your knives?

My blades are 1075,1095, 5160, 154cm,1086v,a-2,d-2. o-1, s30v, s35vn and damascus both stainless and carbon.

-Full time or part time? is it a hobby or something else to you?

Full time. 45 shows a year plus several internet sites and custom orders!

 -What makes your knives special and different from others?

I try to use new profiles with great  form and function with some of the highest quality exotic materials available today. I love putting together great combinations and working with anything unusual. I put every ounce of passion I have into making a really nice knife every time.


White River Knives

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