The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
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AKTI is the organization that works to preserve our right to carry a knife, this is good advise to all of us
That's why I urge y'all to join the AKTI at least as a "grass roots supporter" (which won't cost you a cent) but there is strength in numbers and rest assured that knives will be the next thing under fire.
Jan, Lee and those of you who love knives as I do- I have been in contact with the AKTI (American Knife and Tool Institute with whom "I am a grass roots supporter", in the hope of getting them to challenge Florida's absurd law that considers a knife to be a weapon just like a gun. Right now they are busy challenging other equally asinine knife laws and could only suggest getting a conceal carry permit which I already have.
I conveyed that to them how important it is that this law be struck down not only because it is vague and subject to interpetation but because it also criminalizes law abiding sportsmen for wearing a hunting or filet knife. I also offered my services in any way to help abolish this law but have not heard back as of this writing.
Remember that if left unchallenged, it is only a matter of time before laws such as ours will be instituted in your state or county as well. Regardless of whether you consider a knife to be a tool and not a weapon, Big Brother knows better and just as it is with anti gun laws, we have to continually fight to protect our constitutional rights.
Without organizations like the NRA, you wouldn't be allowed to own a pop-gun and the same will soon be true for knives. That's why I urge y'all to join the AKTI at least as a "grass roots supporter" (which won't cost you a cent) but there is strength in numbers and rest assured that knives will be the next thing under fire.
You might ask what's going to be made illegal next? How about axes? An axe could be a weapon? What about chain saws? They could be deadly too? Better make hockey masks illegal too as they might, might I say, inspire someone to commit a crime with their chain saw? Machetes? Uh-uh. Definately out. I think there was a movie about them too? This is the kind of insanity that we are up against and we need to pull together and let our legislators know, not just talk about it among ourselves.
I've always though a good knife can just cut things and maybe keep on cutting (so that means every single knife on the market is a good knife :D). A great knife, however, can have more uses than just cutting things. You might just need to learn a few good techniques. In many cases it is a balance of the rights tools and enough experience and information that gets the job done.
You can be the best physicist in the world, but without a chalkboard and chalk (and probably a collider, some scanners, some lasers, you get the idea), you might as well be the average person on the block.
I'm also fairly certain most traps (more intricate than your average deadfall) are made quicker and more easily with a knife than your modern multi-tool.
In fact what is the right tool for making traps? I mean you can make simple traps by just using what you find in the woods (all you need to do is find some sticks and a heavy rock or downed tree).
It's is hard to really criticize someone for not using the "right tool for right job." The right (and best) tool is the equipment that you have at the time (again this is in relation to actually owning the right tool and carrying it with you knowing that you will need to use it: preparedness). If I don't have a knife with me in the woods (fancy that!) and I need to cut some food, you know what, I think I'll be perfectly happy using the edge of a rock, or the plastic liner in my backpack, or what ever I can find that might have an edge.
What makes humans unique, is the ability to adapt and use objects to accomplish certain tasks. It's only until know that we have the capability to develop, what we define as, task specific tools (and this is only in conjunction with development of task specific objects, i.e. screws + screw drivers). [Think about it, Native Americans used stone/natural (sea shells) tools to make canoes, what defines a tool is the user].
Remember, a good knife just cuts. A great knife, however, can do so much more. At least, that's how I think it ought to be.
for me all knives are tools. (not all tools are knives)
Allmost every trade has its typical knives : the Chef has his cooking knives, the electrician his knife to strip wire and open wrapping of the elements he has to install; the soldier has his knives, sometimes referred to as weapons, but they are the tools of his trade.
the fact that some people use knives to do bad things, doesn't change the fact that they are tools.
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