It's a fact that I collect Kissing Crane knives, mostly German made. In 1988 the company moved it's operation to China, along with a lot of other knife companies.

  Recently, I've seen a lot of knives with the Robert Klass shield instead of the Kissing Crane. Both seem to be on the market now days.

   What has me stirred up now days is I spoke with a distributor of knives and he said that the Kissing Crane brand is being fazed out and being replaced with the Robert Klass brand.

    My question is, can this be true? Why would they do such a thing after all these years. I thought, there was going to be two separate stampings. One for some dealers and one for other ones.

    Please, if anyone knows the facts about this please, let us all know.

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Comment by Ricky L McConnell on August 27, 2013 at 12:03

I too like Kissing Crane knives and have several old ones. They are good quality . I have not seen any new ones ,but I have seen the Robert Klass on the web new. They advertise in the Knife World Publication.

Comment by Ken Spielvogel on August 8, 2013 at 14:15

Robert, I have two and they both have the Kissing Crane Shield. They both seem to be marked the same. One is an older one and the other a newer one.

White River Knives

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