You only have $20.00 to spend on a knife to feed your never ending collecting craving, 

My question is What knife will you buy? and Why? 

My choice is a Rough Rider 3 Blade Sowbelly I like the Candy stripe white/red bone handles, and its a Sowbelly which is what I collect primarily.

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Comment by Ricky L McConnell on January 24, 2014 at 22:48

I would buy an old schrade knife off Ebay.  Maybe a 340T or an old stockman (open Stock)

Comment by Brad T. on January 14, 2014 at 15:01

I would buy a knife blank and customize it.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 13, 2014 at 18:43

Rough Rider is a good choice but the Marbles knives are a cheap alternative. I would buy one of their Moose patterns because it's one of my favorite patterns.

Comment by Dave Taylor on January 13, 2014 at 10:43

Personally, if I only had $20 to spend I would put that $20 aside in my "Knife Fund" and add to it as I could, even if it was only pocket change everyday, until I had saved enough to buy a high quality USA made knife that I really wanted.  I don't know what I might be able to buy for $20 that would appeal to me.

I do not do flea-bay, nor do I buy knives from China, (my personal opinion), and I wouldn't care to waste the $20 on something I didn't really want just to get another knife.  I am a user rather than a collector so I don't have a lot of knives, but those I do buy are the best I can find that personally appeal to me and my knife needs.  That $20 would be a nice start towards another fine knife however.

Comment by Charles Sample on January 13, 2014 at 10:28

Terry, like Steve, I would also probably try to low ball a bid on eBay.  I've gotten a few nice knives that way.  Failing that, Rough Rider's RR709 Rifleman Series Stockman with brown gunstock jigged bone handles is one that tempts me.  It would go well with my 1873 Winchester.  With shipping it would be a little over $20 but I should be able to scrounge up an exra dollar or two somewhere.(In fact I will probably be getting it fairly soon anyway. LOL)


Comment by Jan Carter on January 10, 2014 at 20:58

Just did this last week LOL.  My nephew broke his pocket knife and needed one for work.  i went with the Buck Bantam.  Donnie carries one sometimes and seems to like it.  I did ask my nephew to let me know what he thinks about it

White River Knives

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