It's about that time of year again- time to resolve to, or not to, do. Today, I want us to drive a stake in the ground on knife resolutions. Here and now, we are resolving at least one knife resolution.

There are tons of areas we can accomplish, or quit. From making a knife, attending a knife show, spending (or not) a predetermined amount of money on our hobby, read a knife book, make a YouTube video on your favorite knife, write a knife blog once a month, start a new collection, take one of your kids to a show or knife event, do a knife factory tour, recruit 10 new iKC members :), volunteer to become be on the 2010 iKC Knife Club Knife committee, start an iKC Group, improve your typing :), learn knife history, meet a knife maker and dozens more.

The point of resolutions is making a commitment- like a goal, or a promise to yourself. One important thing to remember is the goal must be measurable. So, just saying- learn knife history- unless you are taking a test at the end of the year, isn't measurable. And the resolution should have a deadline other than by Jan. 1, 2011 to keep you on track.

As a suggestion- try to have at least one goal that will help enrich the life of another person as it relates to our wonderful hobby.

So, have you thought about "things" you'd like to do (or not) this next year yet? If so, then anything you can share with us, cause we'd like to hear- you may give us an idea or two.

Views: 43

Tags: 2010, knife-community, new-year, resolutions

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Comment by Joe Gallardo on December 24, 2009 at 11:50
Hi Scott, I am new to the knife world so have much to learn. Take care, Joe

White River Knives

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