I recently (Sun 16 Oct) posted a discussion (Deal of the Day) over in the Catalog Shopper group.

It concerned knife slips from Harry J Epstein.  Quality leather knife slips for $2.oo / ea + shipping. I purchased 4 of them at the time.

The leather is a uniform 0.068" thick .. the color is a uniform undyed light tan. The leather halves are identical ..likely.. die cut. The stitching is uniform. They are genuinely a good deal .. imo.

The only thing that I could identify as a “con” was a personal one. The color ..or.. lack thereof.

The 2 outside units are “as received”.

The one to the left of center has received a generous coating of Renaissance micro-crystalline wax polish. It did help the shine. I’m confident the stitching has improved protection.

To the right of center is one soaked in olive oil .. heated & soaked. I like the resulting darker shade in color. It is also more pliable than the original. There is no doubt a better choice than olive oil ..but.. another interest of mine is cooking & olive oil is in abundance.

The black unit upon the horizontal rule along the bottom is a small A.G. Russell knife pouch .. item #: POU-33412L. It has been generously embalmed in Burt's Bees Hand Salve on numerous occasions. It is pictured housing AG’s Small Doctor’s Knife .. the one in smooth white bone which I EDC. Item # RUS-CD13SWB.

Positioned horizontally along the top are the 2 Max Capdebarthes I use. These are the nicest knife slips I’ve located to date. However .. I’ve yet to locate a stateside source for the model 8813 .. which was a gift from my wife .. big smile !!!

The smaller & darker one on the right is their model 8813. It has been generously Ren waxed numerous times over a period of 6+ years. It is pictured with a Premier Schatt & Morgan 043081 Humpback Lockback Whittler inside.

The larger one on the left is “as received”. It is the most soft & supple knife slip I own. It’s shown holding a Queen # 06L Teardrop Linerlock in Honey Amber Stag bone with PH-D2 blade steel.

Question : What do others use to protect the finish of your EDC’s during pocket carry ???


D ale

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Comment by Derek Wells on October 31, 2016 at 22:16

They are very much a bargain at just two bucks I make my own but at that price I would not bother unless I wanted something a bit more personalized.  And you can easily trick them up with a bit of color as you have done.

Comment by Brian Battaglia on October 31, 2016 at 20:43

What a great deal! I do like the oil finish you gave giving it a bit darker color.

I have a few that were included with purchases from Knifes Ship Free.  Just started to work one in. 

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 31, 2016 at 20:25
The sunlight also helps to darken mineral oil.
Comment by Jan Carter on October 31, 2016 at 19:51

I also prefer the darker and like mineral oil.  Just like you heat or warm the olive oil, warmed mineral oil absorbs well and gives a better sheen

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 30, 2016 at 23:05

I prefer browns and tans, when it comes to my knife leather.  Been using olive oil or mineral oil to get the colors I like.

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