I was thinking how tough it would  be to give up the use of a knife or reading about them, for even one day, I got the shakes just thinking about it. Maybe if I develop a 10 step program, I will be able to bring my addiction under control. I need those who are not suffering too bad ( yet ) to make suggestions as to what those 10 steps might be. 


I take no responsibility for what may occur to others who choose to follow  the suggestions for a KAA program. And, I do not guarantee that I will do anything to cure myself.

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Comment by Clay Strong on September 26, 2013 at 18:11

I represent that remark.!!

Comment by peter force on September 26, 2013 at 17:48

IMO--  fun knife collecting is when im the most responsible about it. 

i think a way to help CURB anyones buying is 2 things. if your asking for help...LOL...

first ask yourself "does buying knives ever put me in a jam".. i dont mean a 5$ jam... i mean have you actually put of paying a bill to grab a knife,,im not judging..i have been their....LOLOLOL!

a knife "i have to have..and for years" hits ebay the same week a small 75$ cable bill i can shuve off for 2 weks to get knife..SURE!..- THIS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE KNIFE COLLECTING and can make collecting IMO-not fun.

another thing that may help is DECIDING??... what pattersn,ciolors,makers,countires,states,vintage,tac,little of everything...   BUT DO YOURSELF A FAVOR IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY... LOG YOUR KNIFE COLLECTION ALONG WITH PRICES..   also like i have aid in the past... are you collecting... or making a massive pile of blades?,... their is a huge difference.

Comment by Craig Henry on September 26, 2013 at 16:28

Hmmm.......how about the feel of a good sharp edge cutting through a material? I love that feel. I love the look and feel of the handle and materials. I love the weight and heft of the metal in my hand. I love having a useful tool with me everywhere. I love everything about knives. 

Thank you Clay, I just realized I'm not addicted......I'm obsessed! 

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on September 26, 2013 at 16:19

What Addiction?......

Comment by Clay Strong on September 26, 2013 at 0:57

Maybe a good place to start is trying to understand why we came to love knives and all things sharp so much. Some have said that the knife (or sharp edged tool) was such a part of the lives of the earliest of man that were it not for its discovery, we would still be in the dark ages. 

Man had to be aware of fire before he stood erect. We seem to have some built-in need to bring fire into our lives, We enjoy watching a blaze flickering. Anthropologists  have surmised that the first people who learned to make use of fire survived, while others perished. As time went on, those who had the ability of higher thought, discovered the use of stone for something other than throwing. Then the sharp edge and its revolutionary uses was discovered. Imagine the instant that the first man-like creature looked at a flesh wound and thought about a task that a sharp edge might be used to perform. Nature provided fire and we learned to use it.  We came to respect it and to fear it. The same is true of the sharp edge. We respect its because of its ability to make our lives easier. We also know that it can used to defend ourselves. I like to sit by a fire and gaze into it, feeling its warmth, but I don't get too close. I like the comfort that I get from knowing that a blade gives me the ability to perform an endless number of tasks. I like to hold it in hand admiring the craftsmanship and sharp edge. Unfortunately, when liking something so much turns into loving it, we start to get possessive. We want more around us. And, we won't take no for an answer.

Therein lies the problem. We love the sharp edge, We love works of art. We need to provide for and protect our families. I believe that it's beyond our control because it's in our very DNA. Oh My God, it's incurable!!

I hope this helps?

Comment by Craig Henry on September 25, 2013 at 23:58

I've got the eggs.

Comment by Clay Strong on September 25, 2013 at 18:57

You're right Craig. 10 steps is probably rushing things too much.   .  All those in favor of 12 twelve steps say Aye.  All those opposed say Nay. tick tick  tick tick ,,,,,So be it . 12 steps it is.   I love a democracy.

Next on the agenda. ---- Food Fights

Comment by Clay Strong on September 25, 2013 at 18:38

Okay Craig, that's a start. Letting it all out is part of the process. LOL

Comment by Craig Henry on September 25, 2013 at 18:35

Not 10 steps, but I was going by the traditional 12 steps. And I think it controls my addiction quite well.

Comment by Craig Henry on September 25, 2013 at 18:31

A 12 Step Program I can get behind............

1. I fully admit I'm powerless over knives.
2. The only sanity I have is to buy knives.
3. Made a decision to continue with my love of knives.
4. Made a searching and fearless inventory of my knives.
5. Admitted that there will always be knives in my life
6. I'm entirely ready to buy more knives.
7. Humbly accept my shortcomings and buy more knives to make me feel better.
8. Made a list of all persons that have knives and will help me continue with my addiction.
9. Made direct amends to such people that I covet their knives.
10. Continued to take personal inventory, and promptly bought more knives.
11. Sought out all knife dealers that were willing to continue my addiction.
12. Make sue I am the biggest enabler that I can be.

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