I've been talking about this for a about 6 months or so now and I think life has calmed down enough to get the Mid Ohio Bladesmiths off the ground. I would like to have a formal meeting to pick a board of directors and get the legal process going at the end of January or the beginning of February.. I would also like to talk about topics such as the rights members have, the articles of incorporation how much to charge for annual membership and what those monies and donations go to and things like that.

Here is the info from the Ohio secretary of state for the 501 c3. It's $125.00 for the initial registration. This does not mean we are a tax free, The IRS handles that and it seems to be pretty involved. Read the link below for more info. http://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/upload/publications/busserv/Nonprofi...

The good folks at The Idea Foundry http://www.columbusideafoundry.com/ has graciously allowed us to use their conference room as a meeting space for our first business meeting. The address is 2038 Leonard Ave, Columbus, OH, 43219, We are located at the back corner of the Millworks Art community, which is at 2034 Leonard Avenue, on the southeast side of Columbus.
I'm shooting for 1:00 on Saturday January 30th. This meeting is to discuss building a formal bladesmithing club. This meeting is open to the public. If you would like to be part of the club or on the board of directors please show up.
If you can't make it but are still interested please email me. macabee@wowway.com You can also reach me at 614-370-6228 will have minutes posted some time after the meeting.

Let me know if you are interested in being a participating member or a director.
Thanks for all your help and support..

Views: 132

Tags: Bladesmithing., Club, Knifemaking, blacksmithing., foging, forge

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In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on January 24, 2010 at 7:07
Just to add a note here. Adlai has the Mid Ohio Bladesmiths iKC Group here so drop by.

White River Knives

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