Adlai Stein's Blog (6)

Smithing demo.

I did a bladesmithing demo for a highschool class yesterday. I had the boys try and bend a piece of anealed 1/4 steel then heated the same steel and quenched it in water and asked the girls to bend it. You should have seen the look on thier faces when it broke in 1/2.

Added by Adlai Stein on May 25, 2010 at 19:36 — 1 Comment

3rd annual Macabee Knives / MOB Hammer -In

Hey everyone it's that time of year again to start planning for this years

hammer-in Mark Eyer and Kitty Guinsler have generously given us use of their

11 acres in Johnstown Ohio so we can expand to a 3 day event with even more

room instead of trying to cram you all into my back yard. There are hotels

near by as well as plenty of room for camping. This is an open event for

beginners to experts. So put June 18th - the 20th on your calendar and prepare to have

fun with… Continue

Added by Adlai Stein on February 20, 2010 at 18:43 — No Comments

Mid Ohio Bladesmiths

I've been talking about this for a about 6 months or so now and I think life has calmed down enough to get the Mid Ohio Bladesmiths off the ground. I would like to have a formal meeting to pick a board of directors and get the legal process going at the end of January or the beginning of February.. I would also like to talk about topics such as the rights members have, the articles of incorporation how much to charge for annual membership and what those monies and donations go to and things… Continue

Added by Adlai Stein on January 22, 2010 at 6:30 — 1 Comment


The Hammer is I held in June went great. We had over 40 people anctious to teach and learn about bladesmithng.

Chris Paul taught wax carving for fittings and discussed different casting procedures.

Mark Eyer demonstrated leather working and sheath making.

Mike Alexander talked about Bowies and showed us how to bring out the grain on maple with acid & heat.

Butch Sheeley forged up a hawk out of wrought iron and a high carbon bit.

Erik Nelson talked about making… Continue

Added by Adlai Stein on July 18, 2009 at 17:30 — 3 Comments

Patch Knife

This Patch Knife is forged from 1087 with a heat treated curly maple handle and brass pins. The overall length is 8-1/2". The blade length is 3-1/2" and the blade width is 1-1/8.…


Added by Adlai Stein on May 15, 2009 at 21:00 — 1 Comment

Philippine Oak Hunter

This drop point hunter is forged from 1087 . The Guard and butt cap are forged from over 100 year old wrought iron from the old Columbus Penitentiary. The grip is Philippine oak. The overall length is 11" the blade length is 6".

As always comments and criticisms are welcome.

Thanks for… Continue

Added by Adlai Stein on May 15, 2009 at 21:00 — 2 Comments

White River Knives

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