It's true, my Buck 120 just bit me and I bled all over.  Of course, I was using it as a pry bar.  A few years ago a Kershaw Leek stabbed me in my left hand and I met a very nice hand surgeon.   I feel betrayed somehow when something I have an emotional bond with bites me.  Am I crazy or do you other knife people ever feel the same way?

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Comment by Jan Carter on February 21, 2016 at 16:00

OK, I have to say I am pleased your collecting knives not poisonous snakes LOL

OK, so I am making a salad, using my fav slicer Donnie made for me.  Let's just say I think the only way I am going to heal up from the past year is a 6 month drug induced coma.  Heck whats another band-aid! 

Comment by Kees ( KC ) Mension on February 21, 2016 at 8:31

well........ seems we are all still learning a lot LOL...  when i was a lot younger i collected handguns and poisonous snakes......  and i am not gonna tell you about fishing hooks  too !!!     hobbies hurt sometimes folks !!

Comment by Ms Data on February 20, 2016 at 23:50

Wow Kees!  Now we can call this the "stupid things I have done with my knife" blog.  The time I had to go to the hand surgeon, Aaron was about 11 and we were messing around, not in the "call CPS" sense.  But I was wrapping his legs up with duck tape and I grabbed my Leek out of my pocket to cut the duct tape just as he kicked - causing me to stab myself quite nastily with that sharp little point that Leeks have. Not my smartest moment.

Comment by Charles Sample on February 20, 2016 at 21:06

Kees, that sounds like a sticky situation!

Comment by Jan Carter on February 20, 2016 at 20:53

OMG Kees!  Now I have to say I have never fallen asleep with a knife laying on my tummy, but trying to stop it with your foot...yep I might have done that

Comment by Kees ( KC ) Mension on February 20, 2016 at 15:37

...........so i was lying on the couch with the remote control on my belly...( together with a just resharpened bowie) i greased the sheath so that was on the table and i waxed the handle so it seemed a good idea to hold it in my warm hand so that the wax could get nice deep in the wood

ofcourse i dozed off as i had to wait for the cake that i had just put in the oven

when the ovenbell rang i jumped up....the remote fell down and in a split second i tried to stop it with my foot before it would hit the floor...(former soccer player as all dutch people are)... FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE KNIFE ...that fell in the nail of my big toe !  (CUTICLE !)

it stood up straight very briefly (that hurts)  and than slowly fell over (that really hurts !)

its five weeks ago now and the black marking is there forever i guess....  the good thing is my wife was pleased the floor was not damaged....                                                                                                                      if i pinch it it still hurts

i still have my toenail                                                                                                                                                 and i still love the knife

Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on February 20, 2016 at 13:26

Some time ago I had the STUPID idea, that a knife is sharp enough when it can cut off only the upper layer of skin on the finger. As a result for a few months I had no papillary lines on any of my fingers... 

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on February 20, 2016 at 12:21

Ms. Data,

I think about those times when I have decided to mmm check out how sharp the blade is with my thumb and then end up rolling my eyes  and grabbing the bandaids saying to myself (Sue how stupid can you be AGAIN)......and then there are other times when just sitting around cleaning a few knives and checking the snap and blade alignments in frame and look down and gasp uh oh....now I have to clean that little sliver of flesh and blood that went in the frame as the blade closed....Rolling eyes and thinking how this is just the beginning as life rolls around I am sure IT will repeat itself....just keep bandaids in stock and hope for only minor lacerations...lol

Happy Knifeing


Comment by John Bamford on February 20, 2016 at 5:50

I only worry if a Knife is too blunt to bite me  !

Cutting is what knives do , I don't think they can help themselves so I try not to take it personally .

As I am getting side tracked with straight razors at the moment I may have to be a little more defensive though .

Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on February 20, 2016 at 1:22

Here we have a saying: "The knife becomes yours after you cut yourself with it" (sounds much better in Bulgarian). 

This post made me look at my hands and I can't count the cuts on them. 

Each time I cut myself, I don't think the knife betrayed me, but I take it as my mistake - I have done something wrong, so I cut myself. 

White River Knives




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