One of the real joys that I've experienced on iKnifeCollector is the sharing of new knife acquisitions. Whether living vicariously through other people's collections...or simply sharing the fun of a new knife, I really enjoy it when one of you lets me in on your latest blade purchase. In fact, it is through that interaction that I've been introduced to some of the coolest knives in my collection. With that in mind, I try to reciprocate by sharing my "new" family members as I get them. I truly hope that you enjoy this kind of camaraderie.
This web site community (iKnifeCollector) has really served to enhance my life. Sound a bit overdone? Well it isn't. Through my participation in IKC, I've been exposed to knives and brands that I never knew existed. I've been introduced to models and designs that have inspired new directions in my collection efforts. The people that I've met have totally enlightened me...changing previous misconceptions that I had about some brands and designs. The sincere sense of community here is amazing. It encourages individuals to share their a very open fashion. People can express their opinions knowing that other members will treat those postings with respect (a beneficial contradiction to the immature and destructive "flaming" that pervades many other sites). This serves to enrich the overall atmosphere of the community...facilitating open exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience. With the great diversity of IKC's membership...there is always something to see and to learn! Additionally, I've benefited from the powerful sense of common interest that iKnifeCollector generates. I've developed friendships with some truly kindred spirts. All this was possible through this web site community!
With all that said, I've recently picked up some new blades...(I'm trying to score a few more before the holiday season diverts funds). I've posted some photos of them on my page. If you ever have questions about any of the knives that I'm showing, please feel free to ask. Those that have come to know me, know that I buy a lot of knives...and I'm a pretty shrewd shopper. So if you need some help finding one of the knives you see at a good price, I'm happy to try and hook you up with a good seller.
Hope that you are all well. Keep your steel on edge!

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