It's now official .. Queen Cutlery is under new ownership ..  Kenneth R. Daniels, Daniels Family Cutlery Corp.

I have a deep appreciation for my Queen Cutlery. They always seemed @ the forefront of materials,  i.e. I've some very traditional models with sweet D2 blades. 

I'm starting this blog in hopes of tallying .. from 'us' collectors .. some "hopes & expectations" .. for the new owners. I'm sure they've the appropriate business plan in place ...BUT...  here's a place to list some personal preferences. 

One I've heard already is ... better/stronger nail pulls.


I personally hope they continue with a "value line" marketed under the Queen Cutlery name

...............   AND   ...............

continue a higher end product such as currently marketed under the Schatt & Morgan name. 


What do you think ?!?


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Comment by Jan Carter on October 13, 2012 at 6:06

I had a few moments to spend some time with both Jennie and Ken yesterday.  What an exciting  and interesting pair to be taking on the new adventure.  I will have an opportunity to do some interviews with them today for us.  So let me know...Is there anything YOU want to know about this new era for Queen Cutlery?

**Dale, I certainly agree.  I have met Jennie several times now and she is as customer friendly as you could ask for.  Just genuinely a nice person.  More interesting is her time with this company.  Twenty five years this month and has held so many positions....she knows what it takes to make this company work. 

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on October 11, 2012 at 10:46

That's good news about Jennie Moore being elevated to president of Queen Cutlery. I had occasion to deal direct with Queen a couple yrs ago & Jennie was my contact person .. nice lady !!!

Comment by Ron Cooper on October 10, 2012 at 16:07

I just wanted to chime in and wish you lots of luck, Ryan! You sure do have a lot of irons in the fire right now. Between Tuna Valley, a new baby, and the acquisition of Queen Cutlery. It begs the question; "what are you doing with all of your free time?"

If you maintain a singular focus of quality in all of your pursuits, you should do just fine.

My best to you, Courtney, and of course your little ones!

Comment by Ryan Daniels on October 10, 2012 at 14:23
Hey everyone please keep a eye out for new changes to the queen web page!
Comment by Jan Carter on October 1, 2012 at 20:42

Very well said!  Glad to know that TVCC will survive as its own entity, congrats to Ms Courtney.  I know she will do well.

Case Classics by Queen were my first loves in the knife world and I am excited about the consistency issue settling in and no longer being any kind of issue at all.

Thanks for spending some time and keeping us informed Ryan

Comment by Ryan Daniels on October 1, 2012 at 20:36

Hey everyone its been crazy but the main thing we got the deal done at Queen. We really appreciate all the support, well wishes, and suggestions. We are digging in as I speak to turn things around and slowly you will see our goals add up. Please keep a look for the changes on the webpage and a NEW Queen group on IKC. Courtney Daniels will be completely taking over the TVCC line and has some in the works with one being out in the next few weeks.

To comment on the Queen quality issue we are going to be addressing the problems we already have been taking steps that can address some of the CONSISTENCY ISSUES that has been a growing problem at Queen over the years. But I think its that consistency in normal queen product not the contract work which some people sometimes don't take into consideration. Queen has made some SUPERIOR product over the years but the knives didn't have their name on it. The one that seems to have the most creditably and collectible is the Case Classics. I think we can all agree some of the Case Classics have become some of the most highly collectible knives out there and they all were made by Queen Cutlery Co. So I guess my point is Queen has amazing capabilities and has proven. What I think Queen needs is some proper management and marketing which we plan on doing. Thanks again everyone.

Comment by Jan Carter on September 30, 2012 at 12:32

I did hear some interesting news regarding this today.  I understand that Jennie Moore has been name President of Queen.  This month marks her 25th year with the company.   Jennie Moore is not new to the Cutlery Industry by any means but her name may not be familiar to you.  This accomplishment makes her only the second woman to hold that position in a knife company (if memory serves me correct).  To read a short interview done with her at the last Blade show......


Comment by Jan Carter on September 29, 2012 at 15:08

We don't have the group yet Craig but I do have the Daniel's commitment that they will be starting one with us SOON.  I will be seeing Ken in a couple of weeks and will be sure to get things up and going :)

I expect there will be some quality changes as things move forward with the Daniel's family at the helm also Billy

Comment by Craig Henry on September 29, 2012 at 0:27

We don't even have a Queen group, do we?

Comment by Billy Oneale on September 28, 2012 at 21:55
I have a few. The main problem I have come across is the sharpness of the blades. I have a Colonel Coon that only had one out of three blades sharp. All of my amber stag bones were sharp except for last years Sharpfans club knife. I expect that the quality will only go up with the Daniels family owning the company. I think this is great news.

White River Knives

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