I sure enjoyed Gus Marsh's presentation Wednesday night on Schrade. It gave me a renewed appreciation for a great cutlery. So I got to looking over my Schrade collection and wanted to re-share with you in this blog. Feel free to share yours here also. Maybe your special ones or all of them.

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Comment by Ken Spielvogel on September 17, 2014 at 2:55

Yes they are Ricky, I have given a lot of them away also.

Comment by Ricky L McConnell on September 16, 2014 at 22:25

Those delrin Old Timers are good every day carries. 

Comment by Tom Chase on September 13, 2014 at 15:44

The signature on your Scrim Shaw Knife was the actual Artist that did the artwork for the stamp. All of Schrade's Scrim Shaw Knives were Hot-Stamped and then ink was wiped across the stamping. I have a lot of the Scrim Shaw Knives, although they are not my favorite, they are part of my collection. My favorite Artist from Schrade was Frank Georgianni, I even have a 15 OT that he personally acid etched for me. It has a scene of a guy bird hunting in the field with the dog capturing the pheasant by the tail. It was a hunting trip that I and my Dad went on. That dangled old dog was just too fast and was grabbing the birds as soon as they took off....I never even shot my gun that day and bagged 3 ring necks....LOl


Comment by Charles Sample on September 13, 2014 at 1:39

This is my Schrade USA Old Timer 12OT.  I believe it is called Pal.  It was my EDC for several years.  It makes a good EDC.  It is small and light but is a well made knife.  I thought I had lost it twice but found it each time about a year later.  Now it stays in my collection.

Comment by Charles Sample on September 13, 2014 at 1:26

I was looking at my Schrade scrimshaw closer than I had before.  They are signed by J. Duffy.  I was wondering if the scrimshaw was machine applied or if the artist actually did the work on these knives?

The Sharpfinger

The Lockback

Comment by Ricky L McConnell on September 12, 2014 at 22:16

I really like the folder in that set Charles

Comment by Ken Spielvogel on September 12, 2014 at 21:42

Awesome looking set of knives Charles

Comment by Charles Sample on September 12, 2014 at 21:02

This matched set of Schrade+ U.S.A consisting of a 502SC Sharpfinger and 515SC Lockback was my tenth anniversary service award from TVA.

Comment by Ken Spielvogel on September 12, 2014 at 20:20

Great looking Schrades Ricky

Comment by Ricky L McConnell on September 12, 2014 at 19:33

Nice Knives Ken, I will add some more later

White River Knives

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