I bought this knife a year or so ago at a flea market for 20.00. I threw into my case and took it to work. I had a guy come up and asked what I would take for it. I popped off and said a hundred bucks. Well he bought it. Shoot I made a eighty dollar profit so I was happy. He cleaned it all up and brought it back to work to ask me what I thought about it.

Man it shined. That green bone just popped out. I told him if it had looked that good at the time I sold it to him he would have never got it.

Well he came back to see me the other day and was looking at another knife that I had and asked me if I would be interested in trading. Now he was looking at a swayback jack and I just love swayback jacks. But when he offered to trade the green bone stockman back I knew that it was time to get serious. He ended up giving me the knife and a little extra but it came home with me.

After it was over I asked him why he decided to trade it off. He told me that he didn't display his knives and he thought it was to nice to carry. Well I think it is to nice to carry too.

It's going in the case to never see the light of day again. If anyone ever see's it again it will be thru glass or a picture. I think I'll respect this little knife a little more this time and look at it a little differently. It's art to me. Even if it is just a 1979 green bone stockman.

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Comment by Craig Henry on May 12, 2013 at 3:26

Very nice knife! The 032 Stockman is one of my favorites!

White River Knives

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