The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
I just want wanted everyone to know how much all the prayers and well wishes have meant to me. I have to slow down but not stop. I have been looking over my collection and have decided that I'm going to start concentrating on case knives. Not because there are not a whole lot of other good knives out there but because I just really like the quality and selection that they have. Hopefully I'll be posting a few more pic's real soon.…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on September 11, 2013 at 19:53 — 2 Comments
The wife and I where discussing my knife collection. She thinks I'm going a little overboard so we came up with a new rules.
If I buy a knife and I already have one of the same pattern I need to sell one.
The way to get around this is. I got her to agree that I could have more than one if I'm using one for a edc.
Another way to get around this is she does not tell me what to price them for. So I can just price them high enough that if a person does buy them I can get a…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on July 14, 2013 at 13:28 — 22 Comments
I have been in a rut. A real bad one. I look at my knives and I just don't get a kick out of them like i used to.
We took off last weekend to look for knives. I figured they would be a few that would just beg me to take them home. I found a few that where good buy's but not the sack full like I usually find.
Well I think I finally found out what is bugging me. I have been buying 4 to 8 knives a month for a year or 2. So I had the wife help me and I went thru every knife I…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on July 8, 2013 at 21:22 — 10 Comments
I found this Case Tested XX at a garage sale yesterday. It dates 1932-1940. The price marked on it was $2.00 but when I went to pay for it the guy said that a dollar was enough. Would you have saved it?
I have no idea what to do with it but I just couldn't let it go in the trash.…
Added by Lee Smith on June 23, 2013 at 14:08 — 17 Comments
What is it about a good peace of stag that makes a guy just want to growl. The blacks, the browns or the red. The creamy whites and the yellows.
A guy at work brought a stag knife into work the other day. He had just got it in the mail. It had a deep groove down one side and thought it was a defect. I told him I thought it was about the prettiest piece of stag that I had ever seen. With a grin I told him if he really didn't like it I would be glad to give his money back. By the time…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on May 19, 2013 at 16:52 — 9 Comments
History of Handy Twine Knife James R. Caldwell, a U.S. railway postal clerk, invented the Handy Twine Knife in the late 1800's. In those days, the mail was moved by trains. Railway postal clerks were responsible for collecting and sorting the mail for delivery. While in transit, the clerks would use twine to bundle the mail for the next stop. The clerks carried pocket knives…
Added by Lee Smith on May 17, 2013 at 20:58 — 2 Comments
I have a thing for knives that where made in the 70's. I'm not sure why I just know I like them. I like knives made in other era's But it seems like they had a lots of knives that where really unique. That's when I saw my first Buck 110. There where the red bones that case made then that where something special.
Not that there making bad knives now. I find knives all the time that I feel like I cant live with out. They have better steels now than they have ever had. There are a huge…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on May 13, 2013 at 0:47 — 6 Comments
I bought this knife a year or so ago at a flea market for 20.00. I threw into my case and took it to work. I had a guy come up and asked what I would take for it. I popped off and said a hundred bucks. Well he bought it. Shoot I made a eighty dollar profit so I was happy. He cleaned it all up and brought it back to work to ask me what I thought about it.
Man it shined. That green bone just popped out. I told him if it had looked that good at the time I sold it to him he would have…
ContinueI wonder what kind of person can pay over a $1000.00 dollars for a pocket knife. I also wonder if they carry it or just put it in a safe never to see the light of day again,
Personally the most I have ever invested in a knife is around 300.00. I have it on display and look at it like it is a piece of art. The wife says it's just a knife but to me it's art.
I have a stag swayback jack in the shop having it embellished. I'll carry it on very special occasions. Ones where there…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on April 29, 2013 at 12:51 — 35 Comments
(1)Tony Bose custom
Texas Lockhorn Case XX check
Sidewinder Case XX check
(2)Deep canyon chestnut Bone swayback jack Case XX
(3)Candy Stripe Case XX
(4) Any knife that catches my eye.
Added by Lee Smith on February 10, 2013 at 19:48 — 8 Comments
When I first started collecting knives I bought 3 bulldogs and put them up. They sat for years. When I pulled them out years later the blades where spotted with rust. I was just sick. I started pulling my knives out about every 6 months or so and dust them off and put a very light coat of rem oil on them. Doesn't seem to attract as much dust as some oils I've tried. Bone scales that are a little dry or turning white I do the same thing. Just rub a little rem oil into them. Seems to be…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on February 9, 2013 at 13:27 — 5 Comments
This is a knife that I have had on my list for a while now. Just curious if any one knows what it is. The guy I got it from said he bought it in 1979 or 1980. Also said he remembers that he paid $50.00 for it. The box is long gone but he still has the sheath for it and will bring it to work Monday. I told him it is going into my display case and after it gets a good cleaning…
Added by Lee Smith on February 8, 2013 at 18:30 — 8 Comments
Found this yesterday while I was out hunting. It is empty but I think it would be real cool to fill it up. Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be in it?
Added by Lee Smith on February 3, 2013 at 12:46 — 6 Comments
I like case knives. I carry a red stag half whittler for the little jobs and a Molasses Bone Tony Bose back pocket for the bigger jobs. Love both of the knives but I want a matched set. the back pocket does not come in red stag and the whittler does not come in Molasses Bone. I thought about sending my back pocket of to get it rescaled but I cant find any one that can match…
Added by Lee Smith on January 30, 2013 at 20:30 — 7 Comments
I've been collecting knives for quite a while now but I'm very new to selling knives. It's a whole new world for me but a lot of fun trying to buy knives just to resale.
A while back I bought a nice green bone stockman for a fair price. I put in my roll and took it to work and sold it for a fair price. I was happy and the guy I sold it to was happy. At least I was happy till I saw it after it was cleaned up. The knife was mint. Not a scratch or blemish any where on the knife any…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on January 29, 2013 at 17:36 — 7 Comments
I've been spending quite a bit of time on here and I noticed a lot of people have a direction to there collection.
My collection is all shapes and sizes. So I got to thinking what kind of knife to I want to collect. Just one brand or one style or maybe just one color or type of handle.
But first I need to sell off all the knives that I don't want. So I took a long hard look at my collection. For one reason or another I like all my knives. Once there in the case there mine. Not…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on January 24, 2013 at 20:59 — 8 Comments
This knife belonged to a friend of mines dad who passed away a few years ago. He found it in his tool box and is trying to get some info on it. The numbers on it looks like GS3038. I cant find it in my books. He was also wondering if he should sent it to…
Added by Lee Smith on February 6, 2012 at 18:51 — 4 Comments
Our first stop was in Rogers Ark. at the A.G. Russell Store. I walked in there in my overalls and my beard is a little on the bushy side. I Knew at once that I was a little out of place in there. I wanted a Russell knife for my collection though so I decided to look around though. I found a Ceramic button lock folder that I liked and finally got someone to wait on me and got it paid for. All in all I can say that they where pretty rude and that I will never go back. I don't think that they…
ContinueAdded by Lee Smith on November 27, 2011 at 17:44 — 6 Comments
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