Friend's let's talk about cleaning you knives! First of all we started collecting knives to keep and let that hobby
grow into something you can share with others. When you show your knives off to a friend or guest, you don't
want to hear the words why does this one have rust spots or looks green on the brass !! That's is what's going to
happen without keeping your knives cleaned and oiled on a regular schedule. A knife collector keep's their eyes open on their knives. There are many types of oils and cleaners, waxes and polishing cloths out there. But remember to use a soft non abrasive cloth when cleaning and wiping or rubbing on your blades and bolsters! When you buy a new knife you should be able to keep it in the same mint state as when it was purchased. Each of us is different as the knives that are collected, so by saying that, everyone has their own way of cleaning and the type of oil they prefer! But the main thing is to wipe down your knives with a soft oiled cloth every time you touch it and place it in storage, this is one of many places you start that dreadful rust condition. Yes it's the oil off your skin or finger print left on the blade. I wipe my knives down and hold them with an oiled cloth while placing it back into the paper its wrapped up in when it came out of the box. I'm no expert! on this subject but I do keep my collection safe from Rust !! And that is to take care of your investments $$!

Views: 52

Tags: cleaning, condition, rust

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In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 5, 2011 at 15:04

Thanks Doug. One day you can, OK?  I don't get them out often....instead just look at them ;)


Comment by Doug Scearce on May 4, 2011 at 3:17

I feel Scott that really old knives need oil due to the metals use , the knives you have in your collection I would wipe on them just to be able to hold it in my hand!! Newer knives need to be checked more often because the lack of better metals , they can  stamp anything on the blades but you have no way to be sure

that's what it is, are is it up to par!  Most are a mix of metals an whose to say it is a true mixture of each. But  its our part to keep check on them, I had some waterfall material to gas out so now they may as well be user's, due to it keeps on gassing out.


In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on May 3, 2011 at 19:11
Good info Doug and sound advice. Do you find there is any difference in your recommendations for really old knives vs. newer production knives?

White River Knives

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