Sometime back over at Cutlery News Journal we concluded knife collecting qualifies as a sport. And, by definition, a sport is governed by a framework of understandings commonly called rules.

“Rules,” you say, “there aren't any rules associated with knife collecting.”

Oh, contraire, but it does. I will admit they weren’t easy to find, but find them I did, though I had to go back and do some digging.

These rules weren’t in any of our current knife books or price guides though. Instead, I had to go back to one of the grandfathers of knife collecting’s published works to find them- Mr. Dewey Ferguson first published them in 1969.

Instead of calling them “rules,” Mr. Ferguson labels them commandments. Actually, he called them the Nine Commandments- To a Successful Future in Knife Collecting.

1. Do unto fellow knife collectors as you would have them do unto you.
2. Do not develop an “I know it all” attitude.
3. Do not sell a damaged knife without first telling the purchaser.
4. Do not price a knife or offer to trade a knife and then change your mind in the presence of the customer.
5. Do not take advantage of a less experienced collector.
6. Do have respect for exhibitors when attending the shows.
7. Do not make promises and then neglect to keep them for a man’s word should become his most prized possession.
8. Do read all literature available on the hobby of knife collecting.
9. Do not counterfeit knives. Just remember: Knife collecting and trading does not determine the destination of your future. You determine the future and destination of knife collecting and trading.

Views: 37

Tags: conduct, honor, integrity, knife collecting, rules, sports, sportsmanship

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Comment by Jim Johnson on October 17, 2009 at 16:02
Here as well as in many other facets of life your word is your bond, and it is how you'll be known and recognized.Furthermore knife counterfeiters ( as well as many other slime-balls) should be shot,stabbed poisend and killed!

Comment by CaptJeff Saylor on October 15, 2009 at 20:30
i like! thanks for posting
Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 7, 2009 at 11:08
#7 should have been #1. Sometimes your word is all you've got and it should always be worth its weight in gold.

White River Knives

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