I saw the production schedule on GEC's website yesterday. I had told myself ,sternly , that I would resist for a while.

Then I got to thinking that I haven't got a knife in 440c and that ,oh well you know the story by now.

So I now have a GEC #47 Viper on order with antique amber scales.

Looks like the Viper has bitten me again.

Burnt Grizzly Bone
Osage Orange
OD Green Linen Micarta
Blood Red Jig Bone
Che Chen Rosewood
Lava Acrylic
 #47 GEC
Antique Amber Jig Bone
American Elk
Maroon Linen Micarta

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Comment by John Bamford on October 14, 2014 at 11:27

Thanks Steve they are pretty , strangely enough it isn't my favourite user pattern I prefer a Stockman, but they sure do look nice . I guess I'm just a sucker for a Viper !!

Comment by John Bamford on October 14, 2014 at 10:55

And finally , I think , a trio of Vipers,

Comment by John Bamford on October 14, 2014 at 10:53

A Birthday Viper in Antique Amber ,

Comment by John Bamford on September 29, 2014 at 13:07

Oh that Elk is beautiful , just look at this...

Comment by John Bamford on September 27, 2014 at 8:49

Hi Peter,

The Elk on the first release was gone from Greg's site overnight , here in the UK that is, I woke up to find they had all been sold. I could have ,and should have pre-ordered one but hadn't really been bitten by the Elk bug at that stage.

I would rather Sue held my knives for my birthday than get more socks !!

The Viper in the pic below is an African Blackwood that I bought in February , I think it was Feb , the brown streaks that are very visible on that photo are pretty much gone now and it is nearly pure black. I really love the feel of Blackwood it is just so smooth.

I think that I will be trying to get a few more knives in Elk if it turns out to be as good in the horn as it looks in photo's, I would have gone for a #42 but locking knives are a problem in the UK mind you pretty much any knives are a problem over here !      I really think I was born in the wrong country !!!

Comment by peter force on September 27, 2014 at 6:53

JOHN ..sorry again.. the serial 10 you havbe picture that is the che chen rosewood correct.. im thinking of grabbinmg that as well.. but waiting on all 3 440c to arrive thenim gonna go from their.......AND HAPPY b-DAY..today is my steppy-pops b-day!  

Comment by peter force on September 27, 2014 at 5:51

oh and all boxes around my b-day and xmas are always seized!!-LOL!

Comment by peter force on September 27, 2014 at 5:50

john VIPER has me as well... i have a few already and one in elk on its way...

did you get by chance in on the first batch ..or the second?.. thats of the elks that is... thanx!

Comment by John Bamford on September 26, 2014 at 11:06

A Viper arrived today I guess it's the Antique Amber but don't know for sure, this close to my birthday it has been taken away and so I shall have to wait for a couple of weeks. 

Sue doesn't yet know that there is an Elk handled Viper on it's way will have to get to the post sooner next week.

Comment by John Bamford on September 24, 2014 at 14:51

Oh well it's only money ,the American Elk #47 is on it's way. Can hardly wait Stag doesn't do it for me , unless it is really special , but I really like the look of that Elk !

White River Knives

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