What's your favourite custom "Tactical" folder. (you don't have to actually own it)

Allright guys. Yesterday I realised that I have a bunch of lovely knives that I carry every day. But the ONE tactical folder (one hand opening, Pocket clip) that I have is rather plain (even if it's very good). Which it the Mcusta Tactility.

Now I'd like to save up for a nice Handmade/custom tactical folder. But first I'd like all you guys' input on what's out there. Maybe I'll get a new idea ot something. (It'd need to be something that will be made lefthanded)

First off let me tell you what I've been looking at so far.

1) Tim Britton Tango

Darrell Ralph Gunhammer Although I think that one might be a little out of my range pricewise. (Also it doesn't have to be THIS fancily dressed up)

A Yuna

A Gudy v. Poppel Tactical flipper

Or anything else worth noticing.

So give me pictures of the stuff you have! Or maybe stories about why you love it. Or about the stuff you don't have but would LOVE to own etc!

Details, stories, sell it to me! That's what I want!

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Comment by Alexander Noot on October 30, 2013 at 2:31

I know it won't be cheap. I'd rather just have good. My expectation is that it probably won't be fast either LOL.

Most of the makers I've been looking at have a year waiting list at least. That's ok by me.

I'll have a look at Southpaw knives. I think I checked them out in the past but I don't remember any of their designs. So I'll have another look. Thanks for the tip.

Comment by Pat Kennedy on October 29, 2013 at 12:04
Well, if it HAS to be a custom, and a left-hand carry at that, then you're probably looking at a one-off built to order, which will not be inexpensive by any stretch of the imagination. Like our old slogan in the service industry says, "Good, fast and cheap. Pick any two."
One more suggestion would be to look up "Southpaw Knives". He was a custom maker who specialized in left-hand carry and reversible clip folders, and I think he's still around.
Comment by Alexander Noot on October 28, 2013 at 1:56

Hey Pat, I've had a look at HTM. I'm a lefty. And I talked to HTM about getting me one with lefthanded pocketclip. They quoted an extra $175 to mill the slot for lefthanded carry. So they're out.

I don't mind it being spendy, but that extra $$ is bringing it solidly into custom knife territory. And I'd rather get a custom for that kind of dosh.

The ZT302 I used to own. Too bulky for my taste but a fine knife no doubt. However I really am looking for something custom. So Kershaw, ZT and others are all out.

Comment by Pat Kennedy on October 27, 2013 at 19:36
And just about anything by Zero Tolerance. I picked up a ZT0301at the factory sale this past year, and it is a monster, but kind of big for casual carry in the front pocket.
Comment by Pat Kennedy on October 27, 2013 at 19:31
Tacticals are hot, and there are a lot available across a wide price range. I can't put up photos from my phone here, but I really like the Kershaw Snap-On Speedbump that is one of my current EDC's. The Darrell Ralph originals may be a bit spendy, but his HTM line should be more attainable, though still in the $300 range.
Comment by Alexander Noot on October 22, 2013 at 3:15

I'm guessing tactical folders isn't this forum's forté.

Comment by Alexander Noot on October 19, 2013 at 12:46

Soooo....no one?

Comment by John McDowell on October 18, 2013 at 8:47

hurts my eyes looking at these knives,might be tears because there not mine,

Comment by Alexander Noot on October 18, 2013 at 8:19

Also peaked my interest so far:

Frank Fischer Commander:

Carson Labs Granite flipper (integral titanium handle.....all from one piece)

Will Zermeno Azrael flipper:

White River Knives

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