The final Committee knife blog and start of the Auction.

So for a final Blog on the Committee knife project (a project is something started with a definate end in mind therefore this was a project to me and you were all my colleagues in this project/on the project board) I'll explain how to buy the committee knife.


And after that I'll repost all the pictures in order of how the knife was constructed :-)


The auction

Here's how the auction will go. It'll be my own variation of a "Silent Auction" with a secret minimum reserve. The reason for this is because I don't want to risk some people going into a bidding war and having the price driven up beyond what I think is reasonable for this knife.


  • Starting when this Blog goes live the auction goes live.
  • Bids may be entered by anyone through E-mail (lxemergency@gmail.com) or through private message or even through facebook personal message. You can even Text me on mobile phone if you like (the number's on my website www.lxblades.com on the contact page)
  • Bids can be in Euro's (€) or US Dollars ($), please specify which you're using for your bid. If I don't know your bid won't count.
  • Bids are shipping excluded. Actual shipping will be calculated to the buyer. Shipping withing Europe is usually around €10 and shipping to the states will most likely be around €20 or $26US
  • If you change your mind and want to bid MORE than your previous bid this is always an option, just contact me and I'll up your bid.
  • Only the winning bid will be revealed and ONLY if the buyer wishes it to be known. If he wishes for it not to be disclosed it will not be disclosed.
  • Highest bid at the end of a week is the winning bid.
  • Included with the knife will be the sheath, a COA, a signed iKC calendar which has a picture of the knife featured for November and which will be signed by me and a black zippered case included.
  • Garantee for the knife: If you break it I'll attempt to fix it for free. If I can't fix it I'll offer you a replacement knife at material cost.
  • Any bid will be taken as an intent to buy. Once a bid is placed it can not be pulled back.
  • Payment will be done through paypal or direct bank transfer. If you wish to pay for it but will not have funds for another 2-3 weeks we'll be able to work something out. A layaway procedure of somekind can be arranged in that case.

Good luck with bidding, looking forward to hearing from all those interested.

The End time of the auction will be 21:00 on Friday the 13th Amsterdam time.

A countdown timer can be viewed here: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20130913T21&p0=16&a...

If you click on World Times at that link it'll show the countdown timer in your local time.

The knife:

Specs on the knife:

Production method: Stock Removal

Grind: Full flat grind

Finish, 1000 grit belt finish on the blade

Blade scales are held to the liners and blade by  Bison Metal Epoxy which is the strongest epoxy I can find.

Also mechanically held on to the blade by peened stainless pins.

Blade length: 4,5"

Blade Steel: 5.5mm (just under 1/4") OW3 Toolsteel which I estimate at somewhere in between Rockwell 58-60considering the heat treatment procedure I gave it.

More on the steel can be found here: http://www.metalravne.com/selector/steels/ow3.html

And here: http://www.zknives.com/knives/steels/steelgraph.php?nm=ow3

Heat treatment done by me.

Handle: Gabon Ebony on Olivewood on a blue liner (liner will NOT absorb water like most fiber liners tend to do over the years).

Handle was polished to 12.000 grit, oiled and waxed with RenWax.


3mm veg tanned leather.

Dyed black by hand

Handstitched with 3mm thick cotton thread.

Crossdraw, will carry either left or righthanded.

The visual Media:

And now on to the best part, pictures and video (at the end)

It all started with some ideas. After much discussion it was decided that the knife would have a 4,5" droppoint blade with a flat grind and a teardrop shaped end on the handle.

The drawing came out to design C

Draw that out on a billet of Steel:

And grind out a blank

Wood was chosen:

Together with some nice Ebony

And I set to grinding the blade:

Drawn to where the grind should be:

Initial Bevels set!

And even the plunges turned out pretty nice

Almost there

And after some finer belts:

Drilled some holes for weight saving and pin placement:

All dirty from the heat treat

Measuring scales:

Glueing the ebony to the Olivewood

And both sides done:

After that a LOT of time with a roodrasp and the grinder and we're up to this

Handle polish done:

Blade cleaned and except for sharpening all done:

Then it's time for a sheath:

Wetformed leather 

And it's DONE

What do you think? Similar to the design?

And last but not least. The video I made for this knife:

Views: 379

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Comment by Ron Cooper on February 20, 2014 at 4:35

Congratulations, Peter! I will look forward to viewing your pictures once you get them posted.

Enjoy your new Nootster knife in good health, my friend!

Comment by peter force on February 20, 2014 at 3:23

i guess since its being updated... if its not known i was lucky enough to win this knife via a FACEBOOK BID!!-i love how you keep the bids open their. and on the site and so forth!..

 ..I EDC it and all.i didnt think i would have but couldnt help it!

thanx so much NOOT and FAMILY FOR ALLTHE INPUT in making such an awesome knife. io will cherish it and all that came with it foever and it will of course like all my knives eventually become my sons!

i should get pics up as NOOT allowed his kids to draw pics all ver the COA for me and so forth..we kept it very very family! hey i was just thinking..i wonder NOOT if y9u still have all the etchings!??.. that would rock!

AND YES=-RON COOPER!!!_ I AM VERY LUCKY AND HAPPY TO OWN A KNIFE THAT WAS FORMED IN THIS FASHION....i already love knives that come with stories..this ione had th story built along with the knife. IL GET PICs UP..as i was lucky enough to have a stand made to match{also by NOOT} and the calendar with the knife in it and NOOT SIGNED it up for me!..it makes for a great all around display piece!

Comment by Alexander Noot on September 14, 2013 at 9:37
There was a winner indeed. I'm currently waiting to hear back from him and see if he'll allow me to share who he is.
Comment by Brad T. on September 14, 2013 at 9:25


What happened with the auction, was there a winner?

Comment by Alexander Noot on September 12, 2013 at 1:02

"Countdown till the Committee knife auction ends:msterdam time. A countdown timer can be viewed here: http://ning.it/15Qmq7l"

Not long now people!

Comment by Alexander Noot on September 9, 2013 at 23:51

It's good stuff Robert. In working it and hardening it behaves like a simple carbon steel. But the added elements make it act like a Tool steel that has better edgeholding and great toughness to boot. It's also affordable...(and I need to order more of the stuff sometime soon).

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on September 9, 2013 at 17:12

This steel, sounds bad to the bone!

Comment by Alexander Noot on September 9, 2013 at 5:51

Thanks Pete. Glad you like it :-)

2 days down....only 5 more to go! Get your bids in!

Comment by peter force on September 8, 2013 at 3:16

better then design.

Comment by Alexander Noot on September 7, 2013 at 9:22

Thaks for the compliments guys.

White River Knives

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