What to do with your knife at an airport

One day not long ago a customer told me this true story.  He had a rather valuable knife with him and forgot to leave it in the car when he was flying out on a commercial aircraft.  He got all the way to the security guards and they of course found the knife and would not let him past the security gate.  He did not have enough time to take the knife back to the car or he would miss his flight.  He pleaded with the guards to hold it for him, send it to him and pay them handsomely to do this, etc, but the guards did not budge (rightly so).  So after a few minutes of arguing, one of the guards whispered to him the following:

"There is a large planter on the second floor.  Go up there and push your knife into the dirt, and cover it up."  The gentlemen did just that and went on his flight.  Four days later he returned and when he went upstairs to retreve his knife, lo and behold it was still there.  He also said he saw signs of about six other knives burried in the planter.

So if your at an airport in this kind of bind, remember this true story.

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Comment by Stanley May on November 8, 2012 at 10:48

What a great idea Sue!  Here's your chance to make a million.

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on November 8, 2012 at 9:37

would be a good business for someone ....instead of parking and holding cars....babysit the items people cant take on the plane that are memories....

Comment by Craig Henry on November 7, 2012 at 23:48

I don't fly anymore, except when Cass gets made at me, but I found out that, at least here in NC that it's a class 1 felony to have ANY KIND of knife at a polling place and on school grounds. Years past I could have ended up in the slammer! :O

Comment by Jan Carter on November 7, 2012 at 4:44

It was nice of the gentleman to allow him a chance at saving his knife.  I would have been worried all week

Comment by J.J. Smith III on November 6, 2012 at 20:16

I've heard that it works at the courthouse also.  (Check around the bushes outside...)

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