Wounded Warrior Christmas Knife Auction

Wounded Warrior Project Christmas Auction!!!

It's time for the annual Wounded Warrior Project Christmas Auction!  Since today, December 7, is the day we commemorate Pearl Harbor Day, it seems like the perfect kickoff time.  

If you've followed the blog for any time at all, you're well aware that this is one of my favorite charities and our wounded vets deserve all the help we can give them.  Since starting these auctions several years ago, you all have been great in supporting this effort and many thanks you.  If you're not familiar with the group, check out their website at: Wounded Warrior Project .

As always, if you're not interested in bidding or can't afford to bid, consider making a direction donation to the Wounded Warrior Project by going to their website:  https://support.woundedwarriorproject.org/Default.aspx?tsid=66

Up for auction is a rare knife that GEC produced in 2009.   It's a Northfield 362209 "Christmas Wishes" knife.  

They ran just 16 of these and I was fortunate to get my hands on a couple of them.  The handle is a clear acrylic overlay with Santa holding a GEC knife.  Last year I auctioned one of these at Christmas for the Wounded Warriors and the winning bid was $325!  I hope we can break that record this year.  It's a fantastic collectible with ALL of the proceeds going to an incredible organization.

To place a bid, leave a comment at http://blog.tsaknives.com/2012/12/07/wounded-warrior-project-christ.... with your bid  Bidding will end at Midnite CST, Sunday, December 16, 2012.  

100% of the proceeds from this auction will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.
I understand there is extra incentives on this.  Check out the Blog :)

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