I apologize I was tired last night and although I did advise you this is not a sales site I did not tell you there is one place where it is acceptable to list a knife for sale
If the knife you have is a Barbee you may want to contact the Barbee family here on iKC for validation of the item. It may help you sell it But iKC is not a sales site
Hey there, Lino! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!
Lino A Pena's Comments
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Featureddead_left_knife_guy said…
Welcome, Lino. Obviously things aren't going well, but I hope things will get better for you, & sooner rather than later. I'm glad you found us!
For the delay I've been at work since coming coming in I would like 300 for it
I apologize I was tired last night and although I did advise you this is not a sales site I did not tell you there is one place where it is acceptable to list a knife for sale
Knives for sale or trade
Please feel free to list it there with photos but do not randomly reach out to our members, they have chosen not to have that on this site
If the knife you have is a Barbee you may want to contact the Barbee family here on iKC for validation of the item. It may help you sell it But iKC is not a sales site
Hey there, Lino! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!
What are you wanting to sell it for??
I need to see what you have and what you want for it.. You never know, I may be interested. Please reply!!
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