Red Harley marble and standphotoRed Harley marble and stand4 LikesBlack Harley marble and standphotoBlack Harley marble and stand2 LikesMy mini's from TameraphotoMy mini's from Tamera12 Likes
October 2013
The amazing mini's of Jerry BodnerI had the pleasure of seeing some of Jerry Bodners work today. While Mr. Bodner may be gone his work speaks of his love for the mini's and all they can be.
Take a Close look, some of these hav…DiscussionThe amazing mini's of Jerry Bodner4 LikesThe Joker vs. the Rough RiderphotoThe Joker vs. the Rough Rider4 LikesJoker JKR90 knife 2photoJoker JKR90 knife 21 LikeBuck Travelmate KitphotoBuck Travelmate Kit5 LikesCRKT NeckolasphotoCRKT Neckolas3 LikesDocKnifeProto_2aphotoDocKnifeProto_2a3 LikesGift from jmh58 (John) 004photoGift from jmh58 (John) 0045 LikesCherry and Ash bowlphotoCherry and Ash bowl2 LikesWalnut and Oak bowlphotoWalnut and Oak bowl5 LikesOlive wood and Purple resin RingsphotoOlive wood and Purple resin Rings2 Likes
August 2013
A batch ready for hardeningphotoA batch ready for hardening4 LikesA "Fancy wharncliffe"photoA "Fancy wharncliffe"6 LikesShaped and ready to be polished.photoShaped and ready to be polished.4 LikesPics from Central Ky Knife showphotoPics from Central Ky Knife show1 LikeFavorite, D'Arbonne #53 (9)photoFavorite, D'Arbonne #53 (9)2 LikesEDC 13-08-25 (5)photoEDC 13-08-25 (5)2 LikesEDC 13-08-25 (8)photoEDC 13-08-25 (8)2 LikesSage4, L, openphotoSage4, L, open3 Likes