Le ThiersphotoLe Thiers6 LikesLe ThiersphotoLe Thiers3 LikesStag Case Tiny ToothpickphotoStag Case Tiny Toothpick4 LikesBlackjack Knife2photoBlackjack Knife26 LikesNew Knife Display
BlogNew Knife Display8 LikesCasephotoCase2 LikesCasephotoCase3 LikesCattaragus Copperlock-Tested Red-ATS-34-250…photoCattaragus Copperlock-Tested Red-ATS-34-250…6 Likesschrade button 9photoschrade button 95 LikesCase BrosphotoCase Bros5 LikesRobeson ShuredgephotoRobeson Shuredge3 LikesJust joinedThanks for having me , I see a few familiar members here and I hope to be involved in the fun.DiscussionJust joined4 Likes25 1/2 PatternStill locked in the Vault
The Mini coke bottle
Some day this mighty little pocket knife will make a debut back into the knife world.
Till then I will continue to love the pattern.
I will collect diff…Discussion25 1/2 Pattern3 LikesCase 6333 SS Scrolled Cabernet Smooth Bone C…photoCase 6333 SS Scrolled Cabernet Smooth Bone C…1 LikeFKS Catt Cut Collection 4-2013 007photoFKS Catt Cut Collection 4-2013 0074 LikesFKS 1-11-14 022photoFKS 1-11-14 0224 LikesMilitary KnivesphotoMilitary Knives6 LikesAll These Knives
BlogAll These Knives4 Likes3 rollsphoto3 rolls7 LikesUsers and LookersMany of us are users/collectors. But how do we decide what knives to use and what to just look at? A discussion on this topic may help many of us. Points to ponder would be:
l. Am I happy to have som…DiscussionUsers and Lookers6 LikesSchrade Craftsman 95OTphotoSchrade Craftsman 95OT5 Likes