Robert Burris' Coffin Hunting knife.photoRobert Burris' Coffin Hunting knife.6 LikesCustom knives just finished.videoCustom knives just finished.3 LikesTrapper 54 Chestnut Deep CanyonphotoTrapper 54 Chestnut Deep Canyon6 LikesSchrade+ 152UH - Ducks UnlimitedphotoSchrade+ 152UH - Ducks Unlimited2 LikesNon-Knife Case "Stuff"Okay I know you guys have all kinds of Case "Stuff"; marbles, belt buckles, license plates, thermometers, etc., etc.
Also, do you have anything that isn't made anymore? Unique? Rare?
Lets see yo…DiscussionNon-Knife Case "Stuff"6 LikesKey Chain/Pocket SharpenersWhat is your favorite Key Chain/Pocket Sharpener?
I'm looking for something to put on my key chain for a quick touch up away from home. I'd prefer ceramic. DiscussionKey Chain/Pocket Sharpeners2 LikesVintage Western Bowie KnivesphotoVintage Western Bowie Knives2 LikesCASE KNIVESphotoCASE KNIVES2 LikesCASE KNIVESphotoCASE KNIVES2 LikesCASE KNIVESphotoCASE KNIVES4 Likes011photo0114 LikesIMG_0393photoIMG_03932 LikesOpen house at workphotoOpen house at work6 LikesKaBar Canoe USAphotoKaBar Canoe USA3 LikesVendetta KnifephotoVendetta Knife1 LikeCase Russlock CVphotoCase Russlock CV2 LikesKaBar QuestionDoes anyone have an idea where this KaBar was made and when???? The seller sold it as an 1104 but no # is stamped on the tang.DiscussionKaBar Question1 LikeHawkbill prunerfound it at antique fair,decent steel,price close to nothing
i removed scales and gave him a bath in hot vinegar,later dismantle everything and used wire brush to clean liner and blades..
in it i…DiscussionHawkbill pruner7 LikesMy Knife Collection Inventory- Elephant Toen…videoMy Knife Collection Inventory- Elephant Toen…6 LikesCase XX USA 7254 SS Trapper Oak Wood HandlesphotoCase XX USA 7254 SS Trapper Oak Wood Handles1 Like1991 Case Maplephoto1991 Case Maple1 Like