This year iKnifeCollector is able to offer you a J.Mutz Custom.  

Thanks to everyone that helped this decision happen.

Confirmed price is $112.00 plus shipping.

Payment is due no later than August 1, 2013

The body and bolsters are milled 416 the blade is 154CPM, with a 1/2 stop.  It is 3 5/8 closed and it is a Stag Cut Red Bone. Because this would be custom we could not order any more than 50 knives and his commitment is that he could deliver in September (maybe sooner but that a lot to get made in a short time).  There will be an iKC certificate with each knife signed by me. 

45 of the 50 have been committed so there are only a few available.  Right now we will offer one per member.  For those of you wishing a second I have you on the list if there are still some available

I just had to share with you the warranty info on Jeff's page

It has a complete lifetime warranty on materials and craftsmanship. Any malfunction due to materials or craftsmanship under normal using conditions will be repaired for free. You can ship your product to the address found on this website but please contact us first so we know to watch for your returned item.

   The "Catch" - Yes, sorry folks but we have a loophole to our warranty. The "lifetime" in "lifetime warranty" means Jeff's lifetime. Sorry but unfortunately when Jeff takes up residence at Boot Hill there will be no one to repair your product for free. Jeff's son Dylon is going to college and has no interest in continuing Jeff's business. But Jeff hopes to be able to warranty your products for many years to come!

Tags: 2013, J.Mutz, iknifecollector

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Bout all you can do this point in time.

I see he hasn't posted in a while so hope all is okay with him.

I agree with those who said that this should be one fantastic knife.  Great Steel, great bone color, and beautiful lines.  We will love it whenever it arrives.  If it turns out to be a Christmas present, so much the merrier holiday.  I appreciate Jeff's work, and Jan's diligence on our behalf.  A one of 50 will warm us up as the weather turns cold.  Delays seem to follow any pre-order, and I didn't plan on making Jeff's knife a user, so I can wait to admire it in my display case.  Anticipation keeps the blood flowing.

If he is receptive of the idea of my helping ship these knives, I will run out there. Both of his shops are within 35 miles from me. I am in Orange. 60-70 mile roundtrip in dreaded southern California traffic. I would take my knives to him for grinding anyway.

Brad, you and I are about equidistant from where Jeff's shop is. As you mentioned, I don't own a car and although still licensed seldom drive these days. On your map of SoCal I am due west of Rancho Cucamonga and north of Arcadia at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains. Not that that has anything to do with the price of rice.

Now that we have become familiar with the geography of Southern California, I have a question for you regarding shipping.

As I understand it you are in the manufacturing business and I'm sure that you ship many of the parts you make to various parts of the country, if not internationally? I am making an assumption, of course. But, assuming that you do, have you ever encountered an insurable limit on what you ship?

Not being too familiar with shipping valuable products or packages I am struggling to understand why there "seems" to be a $500 limit on the packages that Jeff intends to ship? In fact, I'm having a hard time grasping the concept of sending several packages, as opposed to only sending one and having it insured for the full value of its' contents?

I hope you're following what I'm curious about? Perhaps you can shed some light on this apparent shipping dilemma by virtue of your business experience and expertise?

With carriers like UPS, FedEx and DHL at our disposal I am having a hard time understanding the problem here. Even the USPS has a spot-on 100% success rate in the shipping and receiving of well over 200 knives shipped individually to me in the last few years. I trust them implicitly!

At this place in time I would be content to see a photograph of the knives that have been produced, to this point. I hate to say it but the shipping problem seems like a Red Herring to me. Especially in light of the lack of communication.

I want this knife to happen as much as everyone else. But I think Jeff needs to step up and give us a progress report. At this point in time I think a message from him would go a long way toward allaying some of the doubt that is now beginning to surface.

What say you and everyone else?

Ron Cooper said:

 ": ... I am struggling to understand why there "seems" to be a $500 limit on the packages ... "

I do, understand some reluctance on using the P.O., on small things.

have had some minor problems myself.

However, when the Ins Amount is bigger, less nefarious people want to mess with them.

A 'One Rate" P.M. Box, limit 5,000.00 Ins.  So, two boxes ?

As for Fed-X and UPS, not a problem with 10,000.00 ins per package,

 (as long as it is 'recite-able')  Which is NOT a problem !

But, one of two things, WILL, happen.

1. We get the knives.

2. Jan refunds our payments, and, 'Auctions' the 5 she has.

   (That would be a most interesting Auction)

From what I see here on this Forum,

  Jan's is doing a,  Excellent job of 'babysitting'.

Hear! Hear! I wholeheartedly second that emotion!

And, thanks for the info, Tom!

Tom Radde said:

From what I see here on this Forum,

  Jan's is doing a,  Excellent job of 'babysitting'.

The knife karma meter is dropping ?

Jan is doing a great job, but I wouldn't call it baby sitting!

A person was told when we could expect delivery, payment was made by a certain time, delivery date two and a half months ago has passed and now answers is what we would like, no more or less.

I don't think that is unreasonable and I wouldn't say anybody is being a baby at this point in time, just want some COMMON courtesy!

LOL, Max he was talking about me babysitting Jeff to get any word out of him.  Sorry when I read that I knew what he meant and should have clarified it because it is from an email he sent me

Also from that email is how proud I am to be a part of this community.  You have all reached out with good thoughts without trying to turn this into a carnival, just help figure out the next steps!  Thank you ALL

My bad! Never mind!

I pray something hasn't happened to him and that he's okay. I do realize this was and is a big project. Just the assembly of a knife if all the parts were ready, backspring, bolster liners, and scales all fitted and assembeled at one per day (yeah right) would take a couple of months because I'm sure he isn't working on the weekend and 24 hours a day! 50 knives 50 days with all parts ready to go! LOL! and then final prep and polish, piece of cake!

Unbelievable amount of work and I get it! and if things aren't done say so no big deal!

That is my thought Max, just communicate with us

I wanted to promote our club, because of things that might happen, out of every ones control. We are all human and sometimes, can't do everything we want. Our lives are full of pot holes, that change our plans. We have a great membership of fine understanding people. We need to keep our main goals insight. Jeff, has undoubtedly, run into trouble. Lets find out the problem and work with him. He may be embarrassed that things are not going according to schedule. Hey, he's human, and may need our support. If, we could just hear, the story.   


White River Knives

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