One of my first posts here was about how I renewed my interest in traditional pocketknives by looking for a replacement for a Case XX Select that I lost.  During that search I found out about GEC, Canal Street and Queen.  I now have several of each.  I like each and every knife that I own BUT I find myself preferring my GEC's, Canal Streets, and Queens by quite a large margin over my Cases.  In fact when my Knife Acquisition Disorder rears its head I never even think to look at Case anymore.  This bothers me somewhat as I know that Case is the most collected and respected of all these companies.  Until last year if you asked me to name a brand of pocketknife I could have only named 3...Case, Old Timer and Buck. I had always be told that every gentleman should have a nice Case.  These days I just don't even think about them.   This lack of interest is probably resulting in my missing out on some great knives.  The recent chat on Case history is what starting my thinking about this.  Is my affinity for the "new" companies just because they are new?  I just know that when I have a Case and say a GEC in my hand the GEC feels like a better quality product even though I have no abject evidence to make that statement.  So what is it with me and Case?  Anybody else feel this way about one of these brand or am I being as eccentric as SWMBO says I am.  Inquiring minds want to know.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of variety! LOL Embrace it and enjoy it. Great excuse to buy more! :-) 

My younger days CASE, Buck and Schrade were the 3 that I could name, with the 3 patterns being a Stockman, Barlow and a lockback.
My voices tell me that there will only be one CASE Seahorse whittler, but the GE Geppetto is very close. Holding each in my hand, the Geppetto is more rounded than the CASE. I've seen that GE seems to round the edges of the scales giving it a nicer feel. The only comparason with CASE is their pocket worn series.
While knives are nice to look at they should also feel good.
(This may be the reason I'm carrying a Geppetto now while my Seahorses reside in my carbon kits.)


Many years into our journey of collecting was Case and only Case.  I think Donnie probably had one in his pocket for about 40 years.  These days, I see many and a very few call out to me, but I follow the thought of buy what you like.  At least 2 of the companies you mentioned have had me telling several folks, hold one in your hand..it tells a story just with the feel of the knife.

Canal, Queen, GEC, in my opinion David are of higher quality than Case, and I know that isnt a popular statement

and some may be mad , just my opinion. Ive got over 175 case knives on my wall in display cases, and more in my 

collection, you are FEELING the knife and can tell the difference

"Is my affinity for the "new" companies just because they are new?"


The above statement may be partially true, but the new companies also have offer variations that Case will just never carry. I for one like an underdog story, with Case being the corporate giant and all the others are filling in for Case's shortcomings(ie. 1095 carbon blades, exotic scale materials). I like them all, but price and originality do stand-out to me.

David, maybe the problem you're running into is realizing that a Case knife is pretty much the same as a Rough Rider, except it cost four or five times the price and is made in the USA instead of China --  Just my opinion, of course but it is based on the purchase of about 100 Rough Riders and 20 modern era Case knives.  I want to buy USA made but I expect the quality to warrant the price.

  The only modern case knives I buy these days are either Russ-locks or Junior Scouts because those are the only two patterns that I've found no one else makes!  I keep looking for something that sets Case knives apart and give me a reason to pay the price they demand, but just have a XX on the blade ain't enough for me.  If it was the I'd buy Dos Equis Beer when I drank beer.

I only buy vintage Case knives now days. The older ones seem so much better than those produced today. I agree with Tobias, a Rough Rider is every bit as well made as a Case knife but with better knife steel. The steel Case uses now days is some of the worst I've seen on a knife, lately. I'm talking about their stainless steel blades. A few years ago Case changed from 420HC to what they call now days SS. They call all of it Surgical Stainless Steel, which means nothing. You can call any stainless steel that.

  I don't mean to speak bad about Case knives, I'm just telling it like it is. I'm sure the big Case collector fans wish that Case would make an upgrade. I to wish they would, I still collect Case knives but like I said before, just the vintage ones.

Robert they call it by the obscure term of Tru-Sharp and lead people to believe it is 420HC.  Compare it to what you find on a Buck which is 420HC and then tell me it is the same steel.  the 440A in a Rough Rider is better.   I like Case, and wish them all the best and think they have some of the best looking bone handles out there but not a that price!  I just can't afford it, especially when Queen is in the same ballpark and actually TELL you what you what type of steel they are using!

Again, no offense to Case fans.  Some of the nicest and smartest people on this group and some of my best friends on this group are Case fans.   I understand the lure and absolutely respect that they love Case knives; included the new ones.   I'm sure they often look at what I've bought and thought, "What the heck is buying that for? He must be looney!" 

And they would be right!  That is why this is such a great hobby and why iKC is such a great group.  There is room for all types of knife collectors!

"Hello, my name is JJ, and I buy Rough Rider knives."...

Well David, your GEC's, Canal's, and Queen's certainly are not "new" brands unless you just mean new to you. The quality, in my opinion, is not even close. The first Queen I got, when I held it in my hand, my brain just went "wow!". Nothing wrong with being drawn to quality. Just because Case is the most collected doesn't mean it is the best knife. Welcome to iKC, we will enable you to spend your money on knives you might not have previously had any interest in. That's what we do best.

JJ, I'm with you.  Like the most interesting man in the world, I don't always by Globally made knives (IE made in China) but when I --I  do prefer Rough Riders.  

And I don't always buy them to use them up or give them away. I do feel some of them are worthy of collecting!  Remember, the early Case knives were also made just to use and not collect!  That is why their value has skyrocketed!

David, you are making me want a GEC - I have never had one.

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